cva kentucky rifle

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Rifleman1776 said:
Capsmacker, we are all proud of our guns and defend what works for us. My comment was not generalized about all CVA guns. Their later Hawken/Mountain rifle was/is a fine factory made ml rifle. My unflattering comment was restricted to the early 'Kentucky' models. They were unmitigated junk and, IMHO, dangerously so. Uglier than a mud hen but that doesn't affect shooting or safety. My advice on the 'Kentucky' model is to check out very-very carefully and do not over pay.
no offense taken :v i must be lucky with the 3 kentuckys i have owned. wish i still had my first one, it was an early one piece stock with american made barrel. i've heard the stories, but luckily have never experienced anything negative. they've been reliable, except for 1 frizzen. i definately have to agree about the 2 piece stock, they are uglier than sin with either the big brass connector, or the brass spacer. i love the accuracy though, darn things are tack drivers. that being said, there are alot better quality rifles to be had for not much more money. after thinking it over, i'd probably reccomend putting another $150 with that $200, and get a NEW Lyman Trade Rifle. in 54 ofcourse :thumbsup:
I think the price is too high. Does it have the Jukar barrel that they used on the later models? If so it is worth more than an earlier model. But I never liked CVA locks. To give you a reference point I had a CVA kentucky in 45 caliber Jukar barrel on the trade blanket for three years before I got the $140 I was asking. And I had to include a brass range rod to get that! :idunno:
I have to agree with most here, that price is a bit high. I have one in the rack as we speak that I wouldn"t sell for that price, not that its worth more . but I bought an old kit that someone started and gave up on.Acouple of parts were missing and it looked like it had been stored in a wet cellar. I spent a few hours work and a couple of new parts and have about $100.00 cash in it. Its .45 cal percussion and shoots with rifles costing many times that. Theres no doubt that some had rather poor locks but overall with reasonable loads , its as safe as any production guns on the market. When CVA brought out their in-line rifles is when their reputation went down the tube. They certainly destroyed any good reputation the origanal owners had built.

Good luck on getting the price down , but there are usually some pretty good deals an auctionarms .


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