Davis lock problem

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45 Cal.
Sep 23, 2007
Reaction score
I have an older moder RE davis Jaeger Flintlock. This lock was purchased back in 1993, it was lost in a move and just recently found. The rifle it was put on is from Pecatonica (Transition Rifle)
The jaws of the cock project into the pan and the flints hit the pan. This puts the flints inline with the vent and the blast is dammaging the flint. This also results in a very clunky lock action and a delay in firing. I have another lock from davis ( Twigg) and it is fast and smooth.
What can be done about this problem? any help would be great. Thanks
I would call Davis. I think that lock has been upgraded in the last few years, but not sure about that.

One solution, and probably the best, is to build up the shoulder of the cock, where it stops on top of the lockplate. The weld will keep the flint from bashing into the pan.

Alternately, braze or solder a shim on top of the plate where the cock bottoms out. However, this might cause a problem with the inletting at the top of the lock.

God bless
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yes call them if no help sounds like you need a new cock that will hit higher may need to look around and fit one to the lock