I agree with you. I've done the same thing many times. Loaded a cart; then when I checked out, the s&h charges were so ridiculous, that I just left it. The downside to that is, then I get bombarded with emails telling me that I left items in my cart?
I'm a vendor so I'm a little familiar with shipping charges, but I'm NOT gouging folks on shipping. I use mostly Flat rate priority boxes, so I already know what the charge will be. I do add enough just to cover the insurance. I know I can't charge for my boxing time and materials even though they cost me. NOT the boxes, those are free, but the bubble wrap and tape, I just absorb the costs. I'm not trying to make a living or get rich, so the s&h charges are secondary. All in all, I agree. Where do these companies get off charging Big $ to ship Small items. They're just gouging the customer, kinda' like the gasoline companies right now.
My minimum charge for shipping is $4.80. That's a padded bubble envelope with barely anything inside.
Happy Easter.
God bless:
Two Feathers