dough bowl?

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Loyalist Dave said:
I like the bowl, the octagon shape at the edge..., I wonder if that's more than decoration, I wonder if that gives it some sort of strength against cracking?


I think it's probably just the way it was hewed. It would be easier to leave it that shape than to make it round. But, it probably did make it stronger and easier to handle.
I am going to give that a try next time I make biscuits. Thank you for posting that!

I have a tendency to over work the dough and mine are usually a bit tough. I have toyed with using cake flour since the heavy gluten making ability is greatly reduced with it.
DIET? Gee Dave I seem to be on one all the time and it doesn't help. Until ...

My wife stepped in about a month ago and she told me to start taking a tablespoon of coconut daily. Having tried many of the so called miracle diets I figured what is one more?

My Dr. asked me last week what I changed as I was down 9 pounds since our last meeting ... I didn't say a word about the coconut oil. Now if I lose some more weight when I see him next I will fill him in on it.

I have been using the coconut oil to cook with and it is available in most grocery stores ... even Wal-Mart has it. The plus is some other issues appear to have gone away.

I am not a Doctor and I do not play one on TV.
I get lots of the healthy fats... but thanks

In my case it's just too much processed flour, too much sugar, and too much "white-starch foods"....(rice/potatoes/grits/pasta). It's funny though since I can have sweet potatoes... they are OK. But biscuits and redeye gravy...nope, not for another 80 lbs.

Also funny my daughter had a birthday last week, and I had some of her cake..., after about 6 weeks w/o sugar, WOW what a rush.... :shocked2:

Before you introduce a significant amount of coconut oil into your meals you might want to do a little reading on it. The American Heart Association suggests you avoid it, mostly.

"Healthy" is not a very scientific word.....It is very subjective.

Sugar for example, is not considered very healthy....But, if you are a starving Ethiopian it could mean the difference between life or death.

It's all subjective.
Is coconut a problem or is it palm oil. Both are calorie dense as are most fats and oils. Palm oil, has a lot of saturated fat. I'm not sure about coconut oil. My wife uses lots of coconut butter as a skin cream.