Most farming tribes were close to the missiouri platte or arkansas. By the time the boys got in to the mountians they would have run out people that raised beans. After the big pox epedemics hit most of the river tribes took to the hunting gatharing lifestyle.
I often have wondered when we see 'corn' or corn 'corn meal' listed in supplies of any frontiersman how much was corn(maize) and how much was european grain. ???Were the old boys eating 'bear mush' before the first hippy or health food fanitic was born? I often have it in my pack...bought at a health food store. ( I aint a hippy I'm a well groomed mountiman :haha: )
I often have wondered when we see 'corn' or corn 'corn meal' listed in supplies of any frontiersman how much was corn(maize) and how much was european grain. ???Were the old boys eating 'bear mush' before the first hippy or health food fanitic was born? I often have it in my pack...bought at a health food store. ( I aint a hippy I'm a well groomed mountiman :haha: )