Eating Skunk?

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jim catania said:
Just wondering because I saw a recipe for skunk, and why would someone eat one. Whats up with the hostile response?
To tell you the truth,I would eat ten skunks
before eating one opossum.....I have an extreme
hate for opossums. Has to do with a childhood
experience with an opossum :hmm:
I once worked for a pest control company, and did lots of nuisance wildlife trapping. The most effective way to trap and kill a skunk without getting sprayed is to set up a hav-a-heart trap, amd bait it with just a just about anything edible. If what you get in the trap is a skunk, walk up to the trap with a sheet or blanket spread out in front of you so the skunk won't see you. They won't spray you if they can't see you. Drape the blanket over the trap, and place it in water and drown the little miscreant. It still won't spray. I have done it several times.

But as long as there are other options, I am not eating it!
I wondered about this yesterday...
I was out hiking and smelled one of the little beasties. He must have been there recently because it had rained all day so I'd think the smell would have been weaker had it happened a while ago. Anyhow, I've only ever shot one but it was definitely a mistake.
It kept spraying while I was trying to study, on a nightly basis, for no reason whatsoever. So I headshot it with a .410. It took maybe five minutes for the smell to start. And after it did... Son of a *****!
necchi said:
Thanks fer the tip's :grin:
I quoted from a survival book and have no practical experiance, I see them things I go the opposite direction!
As an aside, did anyone see our survival hero Bear Gryllis on his made for TV show, when he snared a skunk? He ran in there with the poor thing danglin in the air, covered it with his coat, wrestled it to the ground and clubbed it! Oh, he cooked an eat it alright, but was snivelin the whole time,,and he did abandon his coat too!

He is not a particularly sharp knife at times. He's definitely more into the entertainment than actual survival. Doing some of the things I've seen him do would likely result in serious medical emergencies in the woods, far from help.

Try composted chicken manure around/in the area you want to protect -the critters will go elsewhere

It is VERY effective in keeping both cats and dogs away from plants/lawns, etc.
best way to get food from a skunk throw into woodstove cook as hot as possible for two days tell wife and or girlfriend you burnt dinner and buy pizza. bury woodstove ten feet deep. :haha:
Muskeg Stomper said:
I've always held to the "meat is meat" philosophy and have eaten many things that others wouldn't touch but have never had skunk. I'm just wondering if a nice clean head shot would keep one from discharging it's scent. I'd also be damned sure I knew where the scent gland was located before I tried preparing one for the pot...

Shot 5 one night all in the head with a .22 a few years ago. We had a cycle year and they were everywhere, so before the dogs tangled with them...

Every single one discharged. :shocked2: It was one tough night as you could not get away from the smell. :shake:
My dad told me of a dog that got 'SKUNKED", when he was a kid and my Grandpa dug a hole and buried the dog up with only his head above ground and kept him in the hole for about 12 hours. He said that the dog was fine after words and the smell was gone!....Maybe you could just bury the Skunk, then cook it! :barf:

Many years ago I got sprayed and its like mace it blinded me and I had to be lead out of the woods..Mom used tomatoes on me..Helped but I had a musty odor for a few days
actually from what I've read the french considered skunk a delicacy (this is 19th century) and I had thought there was a recipe for it in the Foxfire books but it was opossum. I would assume if they've had the scent glands removed and been boiled for an hour or so they really wouldn't be that bad. not that I'm gonna go lookin for one or anything!
gblacksmith said:
Try composted chicken manure around/in the area you want to protect -the critters will go elsewhere

It is VERY effective in keeping both cats and dogs away from plants/lawns, etc.

I may have to try that. :hmm: Cat's won't leave my garden or the wife's flower beds alone and cayenne pepper isn't exactly cheap, nor do I feel like sitting up all night with a .22 :haha:
While I cannot speak to the epicurean qualities of the skunk I have dispatched a great many of them. I onced owned a small nuisance wildlife control business and my most frequent call was for skunk removal. Often a home owner would call me after they had caught one in a Havahart style trap with no idea how they would deal with thier new found friend. I have tried every method imaginable to shoot a skunk. The only method that seems to work most of the time is a low powered round like a 22 CB cap or 22LR subsonic with a solid bullet, no hollow points, through the lungs. Head shots are a guaranteed spray as are any of the more powerful rounds to any part of the body. The low powered 22's in the lungs seems to only cause a slight flinch followed by them quickly laying down and dying. They can and do spray but only rarely with this method, at least in my experience.

I would try skunk I suppose. It can't be worse than otter. That was like a fishy super ball. :barf:

If you or your dog gets sprayed, to mato juice will take away the odor. I've killed skunks with pellet guns, pistols, shotguns and never had one spray, always expected them to but they never did.
Killed one at our shooting range one day and the next day was there and he had been skinned from the middle both ways (like pulling his pants down to his ankles and his shirt down to the wrists)
and just the skeleton was left in between, all meat was gone, removed or eaten. Never figured that one out. Still wondering what did it.
I wish I could recall were I had seen the article but it was about mountain men some stories of there life and one was that they had eaten every critter. There were two that had been mentioned that they couldnt eat very well or wouldn't try to again skunk and otter! My Dad said when he was a kid he would go with my uncle Dave and they would catch skunks they both claim if you pickem up and get them in a burlap bag they couldnt or wouldnt spray you something about their front feet not touching the ground or grabbing onto something would generaly keep them from spraying you, dad said he did get once not very pleasant he is 90 now I'll have to talk with him about it again.