First time out, ball maybe 3/4 of the way down the barrel.
One of the Good Old Boys said SHOOT IT.
That reminds me on one of my earlier trips to the range with my M1A.
Fired a few rounds, couple didn't pick up from the mag.
No problem. Pulled the mag. dropped a round in the chamber and tripped the bolt release. Bolt slammed shut and BANG!! Floating bolt does it again. Lucky it was pointed down range.
One of the Guys at the next bench, grinned, winked and said "I bet you won't be doing THAT AGAIN".
Just so happened that he trained with and carried a M1A in the early part of Vietnam and was pretty familiar with it. You learn something new every day.
I happened to relate the incident of the M1A forum and right off. (just like mentioned above)
"Don't shoot it. Get it checked out by a goods gunsmith. It'll shoot your eye out or blow up and kill you".
Talking to a "FEW FOLKS "IN THE KNOW", you don't load rounds in the chamber without the mag in place and if you do, you don't let the bolt SLAM home OR.....(a learning experience)
I have single loaded since then but I DO KNOW what to expect and am still alive to talk about it.
That's been probably 1000+ rounds of reloads with no further issues.
So, what it comes down to is, listen to folks that know what they're doing, been there, done that and are still alive to tell you about their mistakes.
Makes me wonder, Now and back in the day, how many round balls didn't get fully seated, got fired and folks are still around to talk about it??