Most of my C&B revolver shooting these days is at targets But I do use about 1/3 filler on top of the charge to be sure the ball is as close to the cylinder face as possible. Not only is this significantly more accurate, but my chronograph shows that is does not give away much velocity. My 1860 Army "Colt" will allow about 39-40 grains of FFFg black powder and still load the ball to be flush with the cylinder face. The "Boom" and flash with this load is quite spectacular (Chrongraph at average 920fps),But accuracy is mediocre. Reducing the load to 28 grains of FFg and about 11 grains (measure) of cream of wheat results in the ball seated flush with the cylinder face and chronograph readings of average 880-900 fps.Accuracy is MUCH better. Fouling is reduced as well. I have tried corn meal, grits, plastic shot buffer, felt wads, and Puff-Lon, but none work as well as :Old-fashioned" cream of wheat for accuracy and high velocity.