As far as Track of the Wolf, Ive studied their offerings for years. By far Track has the best website, period. Believe it or not it used to be even better. Whoever set it up, well Track got their moneys worth.
Track can make a plain Jane kit economy kit look very desirable where as other suppliers with a superior product for the same price but in a confusing format, their product does not have the same appeal, so keep that in mind.
IMHO, by far Tracks best Southern rifle kit.
Link Tracks Early tennessee
I have never cared for their Southern Mountain stock IMHO it's over priced and the Siler kills it for me.
A proper Southern longrifle should have an English lock. While a purist can argue about the Durs Egg, It is English and has that English style. Although an Egg lock may never have been used on an American Rifle, it's much more representative of the type that was, much more so than the Germanic Siler from a earlier time period an region.
Even when L&R was having quality problems a few years ago, the Durs Egg was and has always been one of their better locks.
In the historical context as far as swamped barrels, IMHO they are over done especially for a late flint Southern Gun. A straight barrel is much more historically accurate for a Southern rifle built the first quarter of the 19th Century.
While many of this era had swamped barrels, the swamp was very slight, so slight that some require a caliper to confirm the barrel is indeed swamped. I do love how a swamped barreled gun handles but most of the profiles offered today are really 1770s era.
Seldom do you see a caliber larger than .45 on a 1810s-20s Southern rifle. So most had a heavy long barrel with a smaller bore than most builders build today.
My favorite kit from Track is the Beck.
Link Beck
I just like Becks.
David Keck probably offers the Best Beck. I know he has the best Brass hardware.
Link Knob Mountain
One word of caution with a pre inlet parts set/kit.
The more things that are inlet, the more chance that the inlets may not be in exactly the right place.
This can really complicate the build. So much so that those who build from profiled only stocks or blanks, shy away from some of the cheaper pre inlet kits.
Blank stocks and profiled but no inlet stocks offer a greater measure freedom.
What I'm saying is there is no free pass. A fully inlet stock can as troublesome as a blank.
One advantage to Chambers,David Keck and Clay Smith is they are builders who are also suppliers. Smith presently builds the guns he offers as kits.
Lastly, buy the books/DVDS Dixons, Alexander and Shumway.
Study up
do the research
Study originals
This is a major investment and undertaking so build what you want but go into it informed.
These are my opinions and may not reflect those of others
Good Luck in what ever
You decide.