I am not going to play Games with you Dave. I know full well about CIP Proofing House and how they work.
FACT: We dont have them in the USA (or Canada for that matter).
FACT: We "proof" or not as we do.
If can show me a US/Canada Law about "Proifing" or ban on the use of the Word 'Proof/Proofing' when we here in the USA and Canda 'test' our barrels, then I will bow to your superiority.
Loyalist Arms ships their Muzzleloaders with Instructions for "Proofing" the barrel's integrity if they do not do it prior, another builder I have purchased from in Florida ships with a 'Certificate of Proof' designating When, How.
The word "Proof" is not Owned by CIP , there is no International Law banning anyone who has not shipped a barrel to a certified CIP Proofing House from saying that an individual has 'proofed' a non CIP proofed barrel. Now, if one was to claim they Stamped a barrel with a mark of Proof then there would be an issue.
Here in America a word has several meanings, uses, etc.
You can get your breeches in a bind but there is No Law banning me or Loyalist Arms or anyone else from stating we have 'Proofed our own barrel' - now there Would be legalities if we were to Forge a Proofing House's mark and fraudulently claim it was CIP proofed.
So you can put your hackles down. I violated No Law in my statement, I "mislead" no reader. My video documents all that I did, I forged no one's legal stamp.
Perhaps, Dave, if you have such strong feelings you should write or call Loyalist Arms in Canada and tell THEM to cease and desist in instructing THEIR customers how to "proof" their barrels and re-word themselves to something more to YOUR liking.
FACT: I was given written instructions how to "proof" an un-proofed barrel, I followed them, I documented the process, I passed it on.
For the record, I asked, I didn't order anybody to stop. I have never said nor implied that the gun was unsafe to fire.
I have asked people not to misuse the term, in past postings, long before I was a moderator.
There is no law "banning" you from using the terminology in an incorrect manner. However, you might ask yourself why none of the black powder barrels made in North America are claimed to be proofed.... let alone modern barrels.
Loyalist Arms is quite aware that their procedure is not actually proofing the barrel.
What I have always been concerned about is people who say "the barrel is proofed" which does actually mean it's been to a proofing house.
If you go to a shooting match, where the requirements are that you show that the piece was proofed..., you're going to need to show the proofing mark from the CIP house on the barrel. Simple as that. It IS a standard.
When folks say they did this "at home" well, they fired it what...one time..., and the barrel didn't blow up? Loyalist Arms, of whose products I own four items and actually live fire and hunt with them without worrying about some DIY home test, provide instructions and supplies to do such a
live fire test, once.... and it's not anywhere near what an actual proofing house does when testing a barrel. All that you've done is show that your barrel with that load is safe to fire only that load.... OK great for you. Proofing in reality does much more than that.
However for the less informed of us who read this forum, they may and often do, misunderstand that a home test is in no way the same as the proofing done by such a house. As a matter of fact, people who know what actual proofing is regarding gun barrels, often do not understand that it's different for black powder muzzleloading barrels from each of the CIP testing "houses". There's confusion even there.
Which is why I merely caution and urge the people in the group not to use the term, unless referring to a barrel tested and approved by such a procedure. You seem to think my request to stop misusing the terminology is some affront to your Human Rights or some such nonsense.
Forgive me for my concern for the well being of others.