hulk said:
I would think that mountain men had some type of pistol holster in the early 19th century... but I guess I don't know, Google has been no help for me.
I'm afraid I can't be of much help there. I've looked at a fair number of period artist illustrations and there don't seem to be many belt holsters at all. Research into merchant lists for rendezvous' and at trading posts would give some idea of the ratio of men who just had a long gun and those who had a pistol to go along with it.
The earliest I know of belt holsters becoming common were in the Gold Rush days and at least two major leather workers in San Francisco were making them there in the very early 1850's, but mainly for revolvers. There is evidence some belt holsters were made for the earlier Patterson revolvers, but that is outside the area I'm interested in, so can't go into any details.
I have wondered for years if/that the revolver was more responsible for wider/common usage of belt holsters, because of the fairly light weight for the firepower
hulk said:
How would French or English officers have carried a pistol? Besides on their horse.
Officers indeed carried them in braces (pairs) in saddle holsters. When Infantry Officers needed their single shot pistols and they were on foot - they held a pistol in one hand, the other pistol stuck in their belt/sash and the other hand for using the sword. Many Infantry Officers actually only carried one pistol in their hand or stuck in their belt/sash until close to the time they actually needed them. However, if they were not actually close to going into combat, the Officers would leave the pistols in the saddle holsters or in their tents or quarters.
hulk said:
Also, I spoke to The Leatherman on the phone today, he did not think that the Pedersoli French AN IX would fit the holster he makes and sells on his website or Dixiegunworks. He suggested maybe the Howdah double barreled pistol holster might work, but that it may be too big. Does anyone have a Howdah pistol that could give me some measurements to compare? Thank you all.
Good for you! Though I'm sure you found the information disappointing, making the call sure saved you more grief, had you bought the holster and then found out it didn't fit.
If you cannot find a belt holster to fit your pistol and you still want one, we can give you some tips to make your own with a thread in the Craftsman section of the forum, should you be interested.