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Wonder if the 18K + is Real or just more BB out of Friendship. Wonder if the Membership is part of the Annual Audit Required for their Tax Excempt statis? :blah:
Well it looks like the only way to know for sure is to join and get elected to the board. :thumbsup:
Old Pilgrim said:
Well it looks like the only way to know for sure is to join and get elected to the board. :thumbsup:

That will never hapen as I do not live in Michigan, indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, or the RIGHT SIDE of the Mississippi River. Plus I am not that STUPID to want to be elect to anything like that. :blah:
But you'll have access to the fabled frozen yogurt machine and can pass cones out the window to us peons who elected you. Pulleeeezzzee?
Gary said:
But you'll have access to the fabled frozen yogurt machine and can pass cones out the window to us peons who elected you. Pulleeeezzzee?

Think the frozen yogurt machine is far from fiction, and the director who BRAGGED about that Purchase, and where the Funds came from cost the Association MANY MEMBERS.

So if it was truth, or joke the effect was the same. Western Members dropped membership.
With all Due Respect, Pennypincher, it tires some of us to hear people whine and complain, but make no effort to do anything about it. If you don't have a good suggestion on how to fix a problem, we don't need you to tell us that there is a problem. We already know that. The very least you can do is join the NMLRA and get your information first hand. There have been major changes at headquarters in the past five years, many made in response to complaints like yours. The old " leaders " took the attitude, apparently, that the Assoc. funds was a private bank account to pay them for their work, travel, and whatever else they thought they wanted at the range. That has changed, and the result is that many improvements have been made to the camping areas, and to the ranges. Its worth a trip across the Big Muddy to see all of what has happened. And those of us who are members, and are carrying the organization that does so much work to protect and promote this sport would appreciate the company and the financial assistance that your dues would contribute to this cause. You smiling face at Friendship would make all of us happy, too. You can smile, can't you???
paulvallandigham said:
There have been major changes at headquarters in the past five years, many made in response to complaints like yours. The old " leaders " took the attitude, apparently, that the Assoc. funds was a private bank account to pay them for their work, travel, and whatever else they thought they wanted at the range. That has changed, and the result is that many improvements have been made to the camping areas, and to the ranges.

Please List the Changse beside the New Camp Ground for Parking Motor Homes Please :hmm:
One of the nicest is the new Youth Range.It has a covered firing line and it has a large turn out of younguns learning to shoot , throw hawks, shoot long bow. in general instilling a love and appreciation of our sport!
And as I was told long long ago in Government class "If you don't get involved and vote you have no reason to gripe about the way things are run" ,so join up and make a difference, we would be glad to have you.
Old Pilgrim said:
I was told long long ago in Government class "If you don't get involved and vote you have no reason to gripe about the way things are run" ,so join up and make a difference, we would be glad to have you.

Well I did my tour of duty in the West for the NMLRA in 1999 & 2000, got no thanks from the Associations EVP, or BOD, and the funds made at the Western/Winter Shoot were use by the NMLRA BOD to buy a Yogurt Machine that I understand sits in the Camp of an NMLRA Director from Indiana who passes our FREE Frozen Yogurt at the FriendShup National Shoots. :bull: :bull: :bull: :bull:

Call me a Dummy, but I thought there was an interest in building up the Western/Winter Shoot, but when the profits from the Western/Winter Shoot shoot in 2000 were spend on a Yogurt Machine that I understand sits in the Camp of an NMLRA Director from Indiana who passes our FREE Frozen Yogurt at the FriendShup National Shoots. I call the BS... :bull: :bull: :bull: :bull: :bull:

I said forget the NMLRA, as they have WAISTED all the time I have to contribute to that group that is nothing more than an East of the Big Muddy Muzzleloading Club.

FYI: I was one of the CANDIDATES for NMLRA year 2000 Field Representative of the Year, and now am not no NMLRA member or Field Representative.

Guess I got SMART.... :blah:
Same here. I re-upped too for a few years. Become active and vote for Board members who will promote the association (return it to its roots) and thereby build membership.
Never again will the NMLRA get anf Time or money from me, until they become a TRUE NATIONAL Orginization. :blah:
Old Pilgrim said:
One of the nicest is the new Youth Range.It has a covered firing line and it has a large turn out of younguns learning to shoot , throw hawks, shoot long bow. in general instilling a love and appreciation of our sport!

Built where FriendSHIP? :rotf: For the FriendShip Folks... :bull: What have they done to promote the Orginization Nationally :confused:
akapennypincher said:
...they had some back issues of Muzzle Blast. for FREE

Got like the last THREE Issues, and some Issue from Late 2005. Should be interesting reading.

I'm not sure that I understand why you would want the magazines which were made up and printed by such a selfish, self serving, very localizied and incredibly small organization like the NMLRA.

I suspect that those magazines, which were subsidized with members dues, were placed there to intrest non members and let them see what the NMLRA and traditional muzzleloading has to offer them.

Who knows? Perhaps someone might have read one of those magazines and decided to get into shooting the traditional muzzleloading rifles which are shown and advertised in the magazine. :confused:

Then again, perhaps you saved those unknown strangers from unknowingly subsidizing the infamous Yogurt Machine! :) :) :rotf: :rotf:
Zonie said:
akapennypincher said:
...they had some back issues of Muzzle Blast. for FREE

Got like the last THREE Issues, and some Issue from Late 2005. Should be interesting reading.

I'm not sure that I understand why you would want the magazines which were made up and printed by such a selfish, self serving, very localizied and incredibly small organization like the NMLRA.

I suspect that those magazines, which were subsidized with members dues, were placed there to intrest non members and let them see what the NMLRA and traditional muzzleloading has to offer them.

Who knows? Perhaps someone might have read one of those magazines and decided to get into shooting the traditional muzzleloading rifles which are shown and advertised in the magazine. :confused:

Then again, perhaps you saved those unknown strangers from unknowingly subsidizing the infamous Yogurt Machine! :) :) :rotf: :rotf:

So what is you point. Maybe the NMLRA need to employ a Muzzle Blast Magazine Monitor at there events, or something.

To keep the RAG from falling into the wrong hands.

akapennypincher said:
So what is you point. Maybe the NMLRA need to employ a Muzzle Blast Magazine Monitor at there events, or something.

To keep the RAG from falling into the wrong hands.


No, I think my point was made quite nicely, but somehow, I suspect that saving the wrong hands from the "RAG" is not quite a ingenuous responce.
IMO, even if it were, history has proven that censorship in any of it's forms is usually done for personal reasons. In this case I suspect getting several free copies of an excellent magazine?? :)
Zonie said:
No, I think my point was made quite nicely, but somehow, I suspect that saving the wrong hands from the "RAG" is not quite a ingenuous responce.

IMO, even if it were, history has proven that censorship in any of it's forms is usually done for personal reasons. In this case I suspect getting several free copies of an excellent magazine?? :)

“excellent magazine??” is a far statement, but not a New Stand Quality Publication IMO.

First off the termRag is a Journalism term for Publications in General by those in the BIZ, like Newspapers, Magazines, or Newsletters. Writers, Photographers, Photojournalists commonly refer to working for, or employed by a RAG.

Muzzle Blast is by that definition a GUN RAG, but Not News Stand Quality like American Rifleman, Gun And Ammo, American Hand Gunner, etc., or the other News Stand Quality Gun Rags. Could almost call it an Association Newsletter/Magazine as it is a Cross between both IMO.

If Muzzle Blast was a True News Stand Quality Magazine it would be sold on News Stands all across America. Not be just a Perk of NMLRA Membership, sent exclusively to Association Members

Muzzle Blast Magazine IMO has narrow Focus many times it of the editorial content of single issues is focussed on NMLRA Shoot Results like Nationals, or Territorial Shoot.

Also if Muzzle Blast ever decided to go into the big league to the being the World of News Stand Quality Publication. The Editorial Quality of the Articles, Photos, and Printing would have to be punched up several notches to attract some of the Better Shooting Sports Writers, and Photographers who demand high rate of compensation for their Article & Photos.

Plus many more how to Articles with Detailed Photo Illustrations, and more Hunting with my Muzzle Loader Articles with the focus being on Exotic Places/Destinations to Hunt, and Works Class/Record Trophy Animals. Would be need to attract NEW READERS.

All this could be accomplish with higher advertising rate, generating more money to pay better rates to Writers, and Photographers.

That would be justified if say Muzzle Blast had a Monthly Circulation to NMLRA Members & News Stand Sales of 50,000 copies per month. Not the 18,000 or so to members only.

Last to accomplish this feat of making a Magazine News Stand Quality, you need to go after National Advertisers to buy Full Page Advertisement in Muzzle Blast. The potential advertise are endless when you understand the age of Muzzle Blast Readers is most adults over 30.

You got Manufactures of Cars, Trucks, Tobacco Product, Hard Liquor, and Beer to start off with. As most adults use some of all of that list of products.

P.S. I done with this subject as the powers to be who run Muzzle Blast seem to like it the way it is. Repetitive & Boring for the most part, with an Occisional Great Cover Photo.
I'd like to see MB with more articles and less association stuff. We don't need to see who our field reps are with every issue. Every other issue is enough (and maybe even that is too much). I'd get rid of the hunting section too if it involves one of those maw-done gonnes. The space saved could be used for historical or how-to articles.
All I know is, the NMLRA and their magazine of today, bears little resemblance as to content and purpose as to when I first joined back in the 70's. IMHO, it has gone down hill ever since, and today, I have no interest in membership whatsoever.

Nature and the marketplace both abhor a vacuum, if such a vacuum does truly exist for a viable and needed traditional muzzleloaders organization and publication, it will be filled.

Speaking for myself, I have no desire to follow the dictates of mass groups. (read as company men or engagés) To paraphrase in short, "by gar I be a free trapper."

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