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Gary I like your thinking! And TANSTAAFL we the lowly members need more people like you and Gary then maybe this would get fixed (what ever the problem is.) After reading March MB JOURNAL by Raychard its a wonder that anyone would have anything to do with the NMLRA unless he shoots a "dirty word". Someone needs to dump this guy now! If you dont hunt with a "dirty word" and use this kind of fake powder, and this new bullet that is used maybe in Iraq to kill tanks you aint S..."another dirty word" I didnt know till now that if you dont use a "you know the drill by now" your just 1 out of 10!This ? guy has never read the NMLRA Platform or have I got it wrong? We are all useing those things and thats what the NMLRA stands for now? You cant have it both ways. My self Ive chosen to stay in and try to change back what I can , the real pi...of it is the guys and maybe girls even(Im sure they are in this too)that could do something wont. Oh what the heck it loks like we'll be sold to the NRA anyway. :rotf: and thats my 2 cents. Fred (and just to throw a screaming cat into this 2 places I've got lots of stuff from that have 1/8th to 1/4 size page ads told me they are out within 2 years if things dont change I wish they would tell the people that matter that maybe it would wake up someone. :shake: :yakyak: :yakyak:

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