Pipascus, Being from Jersey I usually respond to people who like to belittle me or my possessions, You have obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a s#!t about what you have to say or think! Good Bye!

Who is going to laugh at it?
No one at least to the owners face
And a man who laughs behind your back isn’t worth considering.
And you do with the best parts you still end up with a repo, that’s all most of us have.
None one of us is 100%. We can’t be. Your TFC isn’t
Your camp isnt
Your clothing isn’t.
We can’t get there
We are all on a trail to do our best.
Everyone reaches a point where we say that good enough
Some are closer than others but none have got there.
Get an old recipe for apple pie, cook it in your authentic looking reflector oven. Have you tasted the past? No
We can’t get those apples any more
Salt pork? I can make it, but you can’t get eighteenth century pork, they’re extinct
Hand sew your wool and linen? That’s great, but eighteenth century century sheep are all dead.
Your tent hand seen linen canvas? Mine ain’t, and it’s a good chance you won’t be allowed in a camp with out a fireproofed tent
Your candles all beef tallow? Bees wax was pretty expensive and only the rich used them
Glassed? They had them, but few had them
You’re proud of your TFC? Does it got a hand forged iron barrel, straightness checked by a candle? On first growth walnut? No? American walnut? Awfully farby there
Well you’re just pissing in the wind.
When one gets all high and mighty and reach your point of authentic your going to have a real small camp
You mean it’s not a hunting gun???That's because it's a replica of an early 18th Century French musket NOT a fusil de chase.
Those are some damned good points.
I think we should do our best, but what is most important is to share the camaraderie and love of muzzleloading, and make good friends. We can strive for the best along the way.
Your statement made me think of the canoeing aspect of trekking: I would love a real birchbark canoe, but I can't afford one. An imitation birch bark canoe, shaped correctly and painted to look authentic, would be great. But if it takes a regular canoe for people to get together on a canoe trek, so be it.
Sure, a bright green or red canoe would be best at least be painted in some drab tan or something, but I can't imagine disparaging another person who wants to be part of the trek because he has a regular canoe and is trying.
And you have clearly mistaken many of us for the same.Pipascus, Being from Jersey I usually respond to people who like to belittle me or my possessions, You have obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a s#!t about what you have to say or think! Good Bye!![]()
LOL!Pipascus, Being from Jersey I usually respond to people who like to belittle me or my possessions, You have obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a s#!t about what you have to say or think! Good Bye!![]()
HOLD ON!!!Pipascus, Being from Jersey I usually respond to people who like to belittle me or my possessions, You have obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a s#!t about what you have to say or think! Good Bye!![]()
Thanks man.Wow, there are some guys here that real pieces of work. You should see the guy in the handgun section that jumps on anyone who talks about single action action tuners and what thieves we are. The O.P. has simply asked for some insight and he gets attacked and his prize ridiculed. C'mon ease up.
I think I just realized that Bud in PA meant to say that that is how he responds to those who insult him. I think he was giving me a suggestion.And you have clearly mistaken many of us for the same.
I hope you are correctI think I just realized that Bud in PA meant to say that that is how he responds to those who insult him. I think he was giving me a suggestion.
I have been cracking up at the misunderstanding!
Seven Years War, 1756-1763 (also called The First World War by Winston Churchill)Spain was at odds with England and, if I remember correctly, allied with France during the French and Indian War. I was just thinking, what if a Spaniard managed to have been there, perhaps aiding a mission, just before the war, and then staid there, allied with the French? Or maybe a half Spanish half French?
You all know this better than I, and I would really like to explore this-but likely better in another topic, though I know not which one. I see one in the forums about personas, but it says it's for already developed ones. Please feel free to tell me where to post for this. I did so before I think. Will have to search. Just very stressful lright now and I forget stuff with all the endless issues going on at the moment.
Today there are little brass sights on little turtles and stars, that’s what I have on my TFC. These are reinactoisms, historically they had a blade on a flat baseRegarding the front sight...
I need to do something about that square lug. I really like the turtle front sights I have seen.
Are there regulations in events regarding that sight: for or against, neutral, steel, brass?
Just an aside. In 1821 the Santa Fe trail was opened. American goods left Missouri and traced to Mexico, that paid in good silver.Seven Years War, 1756-1763 (also called The First World War by Winston Churchill)
A small portion of the constant conflict between Britain and France encompassing hundreds of years. (see also The Hundred Years’ war and the Second Hundred Years’ War). Crips vs. Bloods y’all.
Can of worms opened, Prussia and Austria are switching allegiances with either Britain or France depending on where you are in the timeline. The division of territory in the new world is only part of the picture, war in Europe is rife. In 1762 Britain declares war on Spain, go figure.
Spain then unsuccessfully attempts to invade Britain’s ally Portugal in the Fantastic War. Spain also looses Havana in Cuba and Manila in the Philippines to Britain, but they were returned in the 1763 Treaty of Paris - wikipedia
Prussia is on its way to becoming the dominant power in Europe. France is going to lose it’s empire and is heading toward the French Revolution. But before all that is allied with the revolutionaries against the British in the Colonies of North America and wins for us, you and me, the liberties we enjoy today. There would be no USA without France siding with the colonial revolutionary forces and ultimately blockading Cornwall in at the Siege of Yorktown. (Thank you Benjamin Franklin for the service of your new nation while Ambassador in France. Merci and Viva la General Lafayette.)
But I’ve skipped ahead in the story. The F&I portion of the war ends in 1763 with the Treaty of Paris, in which France cedes rights to lands east of the Mississippi River to Britain, thus the British Colonies. Spain gives up Florida to Britain and in “compensation” receives “French Lands” in Louisiana. Can you say New Orleans? I knew you could.
I might add, the Spanish population in Florida was…minute. Like, not many colonizers on hand for the most part throughout all of this.
So… “what if…”
Sure, I guess. History is stranger than anything Hollywood could possibly come up with. Speaking of Hollywood that French Missionary in Black Robe was about 100 years before the French and Indian War and look at how that movie ended. Is “sure I guess” or “what if” good enough when there is history like this?
The suggestion is to choose your battles wisely. Do the bit of homework you need to make your representations plausible. If it feels like you’re grasping at straws, and I’m not suggesting you are, plausibility isn’t gunna fly very far.
I, like you, have the very same question. Where does one start?
Did you mean that the WAY you reply to people who insult you or your possessions is by saying "You have obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a s#!t about what you have to say or think! Good Bye!"
Maybe there's been a bit of miscommunication here.
Dates ... it's all about the date of the arm. And quite possibly the architecture might also align to the armory that produced them.
Per Russel Bouchard's book on Tulle arms titled: The Fusil de Tulle in New France, 1691-1741 (copyright 1998), the flat-faced locks began in 1716 for the contracts to the Tvlle (early spelling) or Tulle Armory.
I am only interested in FdC's from Tulle, so I sold off my book on the Native FdC trade guns by Kevin Gladysz, titled: The French Trade Gun in North America, 1662-1759 (copyright 2011), as it focused on arms from St. Entienne. I read it 3-times and underlined/dog-eared every page that mentioned Tulle and the info was scarce.
Oh, one 'nit pick' and pet peeve while I have you all ... I'd like to correct people in the pronunciation 'Fusil de Chasse'. Fusil is phonetically pronounced as 2 syllables, as in 'fusee', but Chasse is only pronouced as 1 syllable as 'chas', and not a long 'a' either. That use is when it is used as a noun for the word hunt, i.e., FdC = Gun of the Hunt. When one would use the word hunt as a verb as in hunting, then yes it would be pronounced as 2 syllables, as in 'chass-say'.