Mobile-1 works very well (I do use it), but when the temperature gets down there (and I'm saying ice makin temps, plus/minus) forget about it. It stays sorta tacky but gets stiff. I've used white lithium grease for alota years on my capper arbors (even innards) and it doesn't get stiff like Mobil-1. IMO white lithium is the number 1 all-time/all-around best grease, Mobil-1 can get the red ribbon. I've been shootin cap n' balls since 1972, adds up to 52 years of trial and error of this and that. The white lithium never runs and seals the end of the arbor/cylinder mating. After alot of rounds when taking the capper apart (be it Colt or Remington), the grease is the same off white color as when I applied it except for the very end where the arbor/cylinder meet that gets sort of tannish due to the burning of powder.