Hello from another Oregonion

Muzzleloading Forum

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36 Cal.
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
I am from Springfield and have been shooting muzzleloaders since I built my first in 1979. It was a Thompson Hawken 50 cal percussion. I love this rifle. I named it "Simon" after the famous frontiersman Simon Kenton. I also shoot a flintlock Kentucky pistol I built in 1980 and a Pennsylvania Issac Haines 50 cal flintlock. I love this gun as well and it and my Shiloh Sharps 40-65 are the finest guns I own.

I belong to several other Black Power forum but when I found this site I was impressed.

I hope to be an asset to it as well as be able to obtain a lot of good information. One thing I have learned from my BP experience is you can't learn it all.

Thanks for letting me be a part of the forum
Greetings from Wisconsin, welcome! You are right about the "continuing education" part of shooting muzzle loaders.
All right, somebody from Springfield that we can send over to the Gun Works and get first hand accounts on any new goodies in stock.
I'm in the Gunworks giving Joe a hard time 3 to 4 times a week! Let me know what you need. Be reasonable........... :wink:
I forgot to say, BakeovenBill that when he get new goodies in, I'll probably buy them and then tell you about them. :rotf:
Hello From Alaska!

I grew up in John Day, OR and started my muzzleloading sport as a Murder's Creek Marauder in 1973 there. (A now defunct club to the best of my knowledge)

During the 70's there were quite the shoots and rendezvous in Central, Southern, and Eastern Oregon.


used to hunt a bunch towards seneca, friends had a ranch on the west border of the strawberry wilderness and several friends over the years there. Did you know Joe & con west or the Williams brothers?