Ler me start with some backgound on te project. I started with a nasty old CVA 50 Hawken that was stained black after being over sanded leaving all the metal proud of the wood, and a severely rusted barrel. I got a stock and a 54 cal. barrel from deer creek. I have stripped and scrapped the factory finish from the stock. Browned the barrel and under rib. Polished the brass and generally have the gun ready to stain and finish until I decided to assemble the gun prior to staining to see if there were any problems and one just popped up. The lock bolts are not quite long enough to thread into the lock. I have a few options Sand the opposite side of the stock from the lock down a 1/8th inch.
Inlet the washers into the stock (I think that would look silly).Get longer screws, or inlet different side plate washers. Suggestions?
Inlet the washers into the stock (I think that would look silly).Get longer screws, or inlet different side plate washers. Suggestions?