'Hobbit gun'

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I'm impressed at how many of us know what a Hobbit is much less what firearm one would carry! I'd go with a short Blunderbuss too replete with Runes and floral engravings. As far as accessories along with powder and shot they would carry four meals and a pipe and tobacco pouch.
Ahhh, Longbottom Leaf. I'd have loved to have tried that pipe weed.....
On my last trip to the Mathom-house in Michel Delving, I noticed a short barreled flintlock with a slightly belled muzzle, perhaps 40 caliber. The cock was a dragon's head and the stock was relief carved with tobacco leaves (I assume Old Toby) and long stemmed pipes. The shooting pouch hanging with it had a space for second breakfast.

It's a charming little museum but my back is still sore from having to bend down going from room to room.

On my last trip to the Mathom-house in Michel Delving, I noticed a short barreled flintlock with a slightly belled muzzle, perhaps 40 caliber. The cock was a dragon's head and the stock was relief carved with tobacco leaves (I assume Old Toby) and long stemmed pipes. The shooting pouch hanging with it had a space for second breakfast.

It's a charming little museum but my back is still sore from having to bend down going from room to room.


Ahh, a Tolkien fan at long last.....
Ahh, a Tolkien fan at long last.....

Am I mistaken that the Elves did not smoke? If not, I doubt there would have been "weed" leaves on the stock, if Elf made.

Would the gun have come from the Dwarves? If so, Dwarvish runes and decoration would be appropriate. "Weed" leaf carving would then also be appropriate.

I'm thinking the general shape of the stock would have been like a crossbow, as that was known and used by the Hobbits.

An intriguing proposition.

I agree with many of the suggestions. Hobbit- tall. Slightly belled smooth bore (for hobbit scale smoothing your .50 barrel would be well sized. Maybe even an iron-wrapped, oaken staved barrel (or a mock up of one) would be fun, but we are talking grandchildren here...
Wirework inlays (gold) should be hops and other floral motifs. I like the dragon's-head cocked flintlock idea, but maybe a snaphaunce (since it's been passed through seveeral generations and Hobbits tend to long, easy lives.

A heavily carved stock, almost as if it was grown into shape.
Possibly one of Smaug's smaller claws for the trigger.

I agree that a good large bag is needed, for food for c gun and carrier.

The map horn I see is knobby and convoluted, from a goat or mythic beast., showing Bilbo's wandeerings.

The sights should also be special; ivory for the front; a vining flower for the rear.

Patchbox? Maybe that's where tobacco is stowed.

Definitely a sling. You don't expect a poor overburdened hobbit to lug it by hand, do you?
Well, the stuff of legends would surely be of slightly larger caliber that only a sturdy Took could fire without being knocked asunder.

It would probably have some engraving showing ownership by The Old Took himself, and plenty of stories about it to tell by the hearth while blowing smoke rings in the air.
I enjoyed a bowl of Longbottom leaf just today! I purchased mine from "Just For Men" in Springfield, MO a few years ago and shelved a little bit of it. Its a mite tasty blend. They have/had quite the selection of the Tolkien blends. Anyway, I am in the engraved up Blunderbuss category for the Hobbit Gun. Just would seem to fit
I keep thinking of the "boomstick" the Dwarves made in "Warlock," but that's a totally different genre.

I kind of envision a simple, almost 'Tanegashima' Japanese stock, simple lock, of course carved up and decorated in the Took- Hornblower- Proudfoot style with a sling and a perhaps a belt pouch with a Leaf flap on it and a horn off some wild creature (sheep?) and a haversack for grub (Six copious meals, a day bag, LOL!) And don't forget the 'Letter Opener'! Love the ideas guys, keep 'em coming! Geo.
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What do you think a 'hobbit gun' would look like? That is to say one designed by the wee folk? Flint, percussion or? Small, smoothbore, stock style? Lets see your Ideas. I want to build something for one of my grand kids to inherit who has an infatuation with Middle Earth and the little people. Stranger the better! I would like to use my 30" tapered oct. 9mm smoothbore barrel with an old small back action percussion lock. I was going to build an English garden gun, but thought it would be fun to create a Shire inspired version! Frodo lives!
I applied for a hobbit license in a lottery. Haven’t heard if Iv’e been drawn yet.
Ya’ll have been sippin’ the Hoppe’s #9 again ain’t cha’?

Not meaning to sound judgmental, but if you don’t cut it with white lighting it’ll make ya’ll see things...!
Hobbits are hard to hit. They can run faster than a rabbit, and will circle back to bite you. You need a double to get that follow up shot,load heavy, no less than 90 grains ,and use at least number 4 shot. Ever since the chronic wasting hobbit disease hit, there is not much sport in it. They just lay around like they are drunk. I trained some to do yard work, but they wandered off....
Brother Lawrence, I too considered the Jazail, but it engenders visions of dry, desolate stretches of desert, oasis water holes, and camel jockeys. The late matchlock would be a good base to work from, I would not leave it to a young minor child. I agree with your fowler idea; farm folk, not easily excited. Not wealthy per se, most of their ornamentation would reflect the natural talent of their own hands; not too long a barrel, sling a must, practical for scrounging up lunch on the trail, easy to use and keep in order, properly appointed with coin of the Shire and carving to reflect the adoration of vegetation and vinery. Something at home in the corner of the kitchen, it's metal furniture glowing warmly in the reflection of the fireplace, it's leafy flapped hunting bag and twisted apology for a horn hanging on a peg nearby. Home, and field, and darkened forest creek banks. Old Toby.
I still vote for something as a Paget Cavalry Carbine it would rifle size for a hobbit and would have been found/acquired probably from an Elf. Actually this thread makes me want to build one too. I have an extra Lyman musketoon with a bad percussion lock I wonder if I can fit an L&R replacement flint to it and then maybe add a brass tube sight make a real Fantasy Flintlock.
By all means build it! A musketoon would make a great hobbit gun. I myself would keep it percussion and doctor it up with all kinds of inlays and wire and judicious carving. Maybe add a cool cap box and a couple of Shire coins and tokens. Weird iron sights! Tight woven hand made sling. Large snapsack or haversack for meal fixins.
Muskegon or coach gun. I would prefer to imagine a proper gun for a ranger ; )

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