Ahhh, Longbottom Leaf. I'd have loved to have tried that pipe weed.....I'm impressed at how many of us know what a Hobbit is much less what firearm one would carry! I'd go with a short Blunderbuss too replete with Runes and floral engravings. As far as accessories along with powder and shot they would carry four meals and a pipe and tobacco pouch.
On my last trip to the Mathom-house in Michel Delving, I noticed a short barreled flintlock with a slightly belled muzzle, perhaps 40 caliber. The cock was a dragon's head and the stock was relief carved with tobacco leaves (I assume Old Toby) and long stemmed pipes. The shooting pouch hanging with it had a space for second breakfast.
It's a charming little museum but my back is still sore from having to bend down going from room to room.
Ahh, a Tolkien fan at long last.....
I kind of envision a simple, almost 'Tanegashima' Japanese stock, simple lock, of course carved up and decorated in the Took- Hornblower- Proudfoot style with a sling and a perhaps a belt pouch with a Leaf flap on it and a horn off some wild creature (sheep?) and a haversack for grub (Six copious meals, a day bag, LOL!) And don't forget the 'Letter Opener'! Love the ideas guys, keep 'em coming! Geo.I keep thinking of the "boomstick" the Dwarves made in "Warlock," but that's a totally different genre.
I applied for a hobbit license in a lottery. Haven’t heard if Iv’e been drawn yet.What do you think a 'hobbit gun' would look like? That is to say one designed by the wee folk? Flint, percussion or? Small, smoothbore, stock style? Lets see your Ideas. I want to build something for one of my grand kids to inherit who has an infatuation with Middle Earth and the little people. Stranger the better! I would like to use my 30" tapered oct. 9mm smoothbore barrel with an old small back action percussion lock. I was going to build an English garden gun, but thought it would be fun to create a Shire inspired version! Frodo lives!
By all means build it! A musketoon would make a great hobbit gun. I myself would keep it percussion and doctor it up with all kinds of inlays and wire and judicious carving. Maybe add a cool cap box and a couple of Shire coins and tokens. Weird iron sights! Tight woven hand made sling. Large snapsack or haversack for meal fixins.I still vote for something as a Paget Cavalry Carbine it would rifle size for a hobbit and would have been found/acquired probably from an Elf. Actually this thread makes me want to build one too. I have an extra Lyman musketoon with a bad percussion lock I wonder if I can fit an L&R replacement flint to it and then maybe add a brass tube sight make a real Fantasy Flintlock.
He he he heis the HOBBIT gun the same gun as a WABBIT GUN ?