Does anyone know if it will function, as a patch lube, as great as the original BP lube?
For what it's worth, my experience over the years with Hoppe's #9Plus:
1980's- came in a flat, white soft plastic bottle with a flip up nozzle. Fairly thin, kind of watery, similar to Thompson Center #13, but slightly thicker and slicker. I did not like it at all.
Late 90's- given a 32 ounce glass bottle from a gun shop owning friend. Very different. Thicker, slick and smelled slightly #9 Nitro- ish. Kind of slimy feel, had to be shaken/mixed regularly. Worked well as a patch lube- cleaner not so much.
Bottle as pictured above, with both markings on different bottles- same product. Slightly thicker, less oily and slicker than above. same smell as 90's stuff and needs occasional shaking. Excellent patch lube- really one of the best. Better cleaner than above two products. Patch run down bore before start of initial shooting seems to keep fouling from sticking as compared to a start with a dry bore.
Other than price, I have never heard a bad thing about it. I personally don't use it because I don't like the feeling/texture of it on my fingers and I like my patch lube to double as a cleaner- but that's a moot point to most I would assume.
Curious to hear your eventual findings Hanshi.