How many grains powder should I use to prime?

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Nope, just following the NMLRA rules.

Got a problem with that at sanctioned shoots?
Nope, just following the NMLRA rules.

Got a problem with that at sanctioned shoots?
Went to my first sanctioned shoot years ago and wasn’t allowed to shoot because the NMLRA records indicated I wasn’t a member, and all I had was a copy of the check they cashed. They had failed to send me a membership card and said I needed to join again to shoot. I did not pay again and the folks in Friendship never figured out how they messed up my membership. At some point they stopped sanctioning this particular shoot, but I have not been in that part of the country again, nor attended a NMLRA event since.

So I have no problem what the NMLRA rules require at their sanctioned shoots.

But could you please explain how priming from a horn is not safe?
Nope, just following the NMLRA rules.

Got a problem with that at sanctioned shoots?
Started ml in 76, ain’t never been to a sanctioned shoot
First deer in 77, never took a deer with nought but a ml since, hunted one time with a breechloaders since
Except to practice with self defense guns I’ve not shot nought but ml since then.
Shot in a few shoots but never had anyone tell me I couldn’t do it
I think they would defalcate bricks when they saw me blow down the barrel And wouldn’t even worry about my priming
There is no one size fits all. Some pans are shallow like CVA and Traditions others deep , some wide, some narrow. It becomes a trial and error process until you find the sweet spot.
I'm very new to flintlocks and with the cost of powder id like to keep my priming charge as low as possible. Im shooting a Pedersoli brown bess

I prime with my main powder horn using 2f or 3f. One of my flintlocks works best with about a half pan of powder and another works best with the pan almost full.
Less is always better. The last thing you want is a fuse. If you pour too much shake it off.
The goal is a mini explosion in the pan that flashes through the touch hole.
I'm very new to flintlocks and with the cost of powder id like to keep my priming charge as low as possible. Im shooting a Pedersoli brown bess
I shoot two different flintlocks for both matches and hunting . I just fill the priming pan with 4f from a brass priming dispenser. How frugal can you be? It takes me a looong time to burn through a pound of 4f powder!!
Funny how certain members of the "do your own thang," clan also want to inflict their arbitrary organization's power trip rules on everyone else. Such as the omniscient and holy NMLRA says you can't prime from the horn,,,, therefore it must not be safe and absolutely no one should ever do it. (How does one shoot anything, much less a longrifle, while wearing football pads wrapped in bubble wrap, a full face motorcycle helmet, and nomex gloves?) Or, the NSSA says the definition of baseball is _____ so that must be true and apply to everyone.
I'd guess that the majority of people shooting and hunting with muzzleloaders, and even the majority of members here, are not members of any of these organizations and couldn't care less what they say. Many of their rules and definitions are arbitrary or self-serving in some way and don't apply in the real world.
I use to work in a world where folks get hurt, injured and killed.

Every safety rule in the books stems from someone getting injured or killed, pure and simple.

We had a rule at work, no finger rings. Folks would say that is stupid. One of of our employees lost a finger when one of his rings was caught in a piece of machinery. That caused a new safety rule, no finger rings while working.

Each time a person was killed an investigation was held to determine what caused the person's death. After the investigation was complete, most times a new safety rule or rules would be the result to stop future deaths.

If you chose to do unsafe practices, that is your choice and I will not be shooting next to you.
I use to work in a world where folks get hurt, injured and killed.

Every safety rule in the books stems from someone getting injured or killed, pure and simple.

We had a rule at work, no finger rings. Folks would say that is stupid. One of of our employees lost a finger when one of his rings was caught in a piece of machinery. That caused a new safety rule, no finger rings while working.

Each time a person was killed an investigation was held to determine what caused the person's death. After the investigation was complete, most times a new safety rule or rules would be the result to stop future deaths.

If you chose to do unsafe practices, that is your choice and I will not be shooting next to you.
Guns need to be treated safely
However some ideas of safe are absurd
You say every time a a person was killed an investigation was held
Good idea, we want to protect people
However can you point to one case of a horn blowing when priming
I have been shooting ml near fifty years. I have never seen a shot cook off when reloading, but we have lots of examples of it happening, never load from a horn or flask. Period
I’ve blown down the barrel. You won’t find any example of blowing down an empty barrel and it going off, and no one can blow down a loaded barrel.
Ok it looks bad, I’ll give you that
But there is no way you can get a premature flash from a pan when priming.
By the time you have loaded your gun there is no possibility of a hot ember laying in your touch hole and setting off a prime. It can’t happen.
If there was a hot ember in the touch hole the act of running ball down would have fanned it to flame and blew ball ramrod and some fingers off
Even shooting military, with paper cartridge name one person who ever set a cartridge off in their hand
Or if you have a little primer horn name one person who ever burned their hand with one
I'm very new to flintlocks and with the cost of powder id like to keep my priming charge as low as possible. Im shooting a Pedersoli brown bess
To correctly prime, you need an injector (a small horn generally with a pump). So the Sacrosanctities MLAIC (the only rules accepted in communist lands like mine and some others) accept the small horn to prime. You can't use the big one in the match (principal load-only tubes pre-loads), but everybody uses the small one with generally 4Fg inside for priming. Priming is the last operation just before shooting. The feather is in the vent, and the frizzen is open, so where is the risk?

To answer the first question asking the volume or weight of powder needed, this is your job to determine what is the best for the rifle you are using. Personally, target shooter or, by another way paper hunter, shooting mostly with a lot of .45 cal., my injector gives 3 grains of 4Fg in the pans (right side) for all those weapons. The rest could depend also only on the type, position, form of the pan, the vent hole, and some other small details...
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If you chose to do unsafe practices, that is your choice and I will not be shooting next to you.
What is the safe and correct way to prime a flintlock pan?

Obviously, a brass pan charging flask with a spring loaded measuring feature would be out, with powder being a closed brass container. A smaller priming horn is still a horn, another no go. So what is the best safe option?
What is the safe and correct way to prime a flintlock pan?

Obviously, a brass pan charging flask with a spring loaded measuring feature would be out, with powder being a closed brass container. A smaller priming horn is still a horn, another no go. So what is the best safe option?
The safest option is to stay in your home and keep door and window locked
Only drink liquid nutrition to decrease chance of choking, and that way you have no knifes or pointy things in house
To take part in life you might take some chances
You will take no chances priming from your horn. And if you make sure your guns pointed in safe direction no one can call you unsafe…. Reasonably

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