How many grains powder should I use to prime?

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I use to work in a world where folks get hurt, injured and killed.

Every safety rule in the books stems from someone getting injured or killed, pure and simple.

We had a rule at work, no finger rings. Folks would say that is stupid. One of of our employees lost a finger when one of his rings was caught in a piece of machinery. That caused a new safety rule, no finger rings while working.

Each time a person was killed an investigation was held to determine what caused the person's death. After the investigation was complete, most times a new safety rule or rules would be the result to stop future deaths.

If you chose to do unsafe practices, that is your choice and I will not be shooting next to you.
There is literally no supporting evidence for your statement concerning unsafe practices. You are spouting “opinion”…your “opinion” has no place in reality.
Blowing down the barrel gives you funny lipstick so to clean it off, kiss the wife!
The cap jam was invented by those that make rules.
What was in the order of arms manual to operate a cap & ball revolver is now against rules, being it has been deemed unsafe.
Please do not eve walk up to me and tell me I am unsafe while I have a loaded firearm in my hand.

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