I had a 2nd Model Dragoon by Uberti, and I don't recall cleaning anything until the end of the day. I shot it off and on for at least 20 years or more. Never used wads, as that would leave less room for FFFg. Packed it full and used .457 RBs. Sometimes two of them. If I had too much powder in there and the second ball would not clear the cylinder gap I would simply cut the extending portion off with my knife. :rotf: I liked the good amount of lead ring that was shaved off with the .457, and did not experience a chain-fire even though I was not using Crisco on top of the RB. Here in Texas on a warm day with a warm gun the stuff would melt and make a mess inside the front of my pants where I carried the gun. :cursing: In retrospect that was not the safest method of carry, and I would not do that now. :nono:
However, I had a small tube of graphite paste that I would apply liberally to the cylinder pin after cleaning and before loading. I kept the piece loaded at all times for actual self-defense and on one occasion prevented the armed robbery of my person by three individuals who had a .25 semi-automatic. In all probability that graphite grease would not be period-correct, but I also used a Zouave flask for my powder. :shake:
"When you see the smoke on the wind, look for me."