Just pointing out the hypocrisy that some die-hard flintlockers have about the "superiority" of the ignition system. It's like a guy using a percussion gun constantly ridiculing fellas that shoot cartridge guns & telling them that they are helplessly dependent on loaded cartridges & they are fool's to use better technology. To each his own on what they want to shoot & use. It's all about having fun, not about "my guns better than your gun" BS. Just tired of the elitist snobbery that seems to enter threads when some flintlockers post. Basing one's choice of gun on a temporary hoarding frenzy is a fool's errand, IMHO. I haven't had all that much trouble finding caps, powder or ball. It just takes a little more searching & patience. What happens when you can't find flints? Saw some flints & caps for sale a couple days ago at an on line store. Caps were $4.99/tin & in stock. Flints were $8.99/pair & out of stock, no backorder. Flints are consumables, just like caps. Of course you could always just look on the ground, as usable flints are laying everywhere, right!!