I've two, one that I made, that I've decided the flap is too short on, and will probably be taking apart to use the leather in other projects, and another that I picked up off the trade blanket at a rendezvous. It's not so buckskin fancy either, but it does the job.
I've never quite understood how folks shoot from the box. I learned to shoot from the bag and horn, and any other fashion just seems, well, clumsy. Doesn't matter much I guess, it's just personal preference. Part of the true enjoyment I get from this hobby is the routine of measure, pour, patch, ball, ram, prime, aim, fire, swab. I find it soothing, that routine that I have practiced so much, trying to load faster, be more precise with my charge, keep the ball centered on the patch, ect. Once you get everything just so in the pouch, the horn lies just there below the ribs, the measure is always the same place, it becomes habit to load from the pouch. With practice, one can do it in the dark, with one's eyes closed, whatever. The only thing is I NEVER ever speak while loading. Ever. Keeps the routine the same and prevents dryballing and short powder charges.