I found a tin of 100 CCI #11 caps the other day in a box of shooting stuff I have. I felt like I found a gold nugget!That is pretty much what I am seeing if anyone has them. Same thing for primers for reloading unmentionable's.
I was going through the milk crate with my shooting supplies. Found 15 tins of CCI's I forgot I had. NOBODY wants to know what the price on the boxes was. Probably better for my health if I don't give that info out.I found a tin of 100 CCI #11 caps the other day in a box of shooting stuff I have. I felt like I found a gold nugget!
Not surprised that folks have ‘high’ asking prices, though I am a bit surprised when items sell for those prices. But not real surprised. The market will set the price paid, that pesky supply and demand thing.……but I’m not surprised
Agreed!What would be even more ridiculous is if someone was dumb enough to pay that much.
It’s only gouging if someone buys them. I hope they don’t get a single response..Yep. Legalized gouging. Remember when all the "get rich quick" guys were doing that with .22 ammo.
Another Sphinctor trying to get rich hoo-doing people on pricing……but I’m not surprised