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I agree, I declined to enter two nice Blacktails that scored in the 120's, not bruisers but good for Blacktails, we just ain't talkin' apples and apples when we use, compare, and promote the modern type guns that have lost the cartridge with the original type ML guns. you might as well take out a 45/70 rolling block or a Ruger #1 in .458 and compare it to a Kentucky rifle and try to make a case that they are the same.... Oh yeah I forgot about the loading from the front thing...maybe that is only part of what defines a ML gun?
This topic always brings to mind the story of hw/why Mr Knight developed the in-line ML, don't know if it is fact or fancy but supposedly a couple of his friend drew tags to a ML hunt in another state and when the went they could not get the "traditional" type guns to work to their likeing and came home complaining so he made a "better"ML now if I could not get a simple 18th early 19th century piece of technology to function I think I would have come home with my tail tucked between my legs and taken up table tennis or basket weaving.
Sometimes I don't know when to shut-up...

But, I've been on more than one dead horse in my lifetime.
Last time I checked anyone could state their opinions in this country whenever they please, in some circles certain points of view may catch some excited rebuttal but never clam up just cause you don't agree. Hell I gotta have somebody ta argue with...
OOOOOOOOOeeeeeeee! I ain't heared such a commotion sence the nite Willie dropped his powder horn in th campfire!!
I'm a thining all of ye' s got some points ta make but I gotta agree that if'n them brass kartridges wern't invented the in-line is what most people would be a shootin now. Hell, they had inline handguns back in the '50s n it was only a matter of time b'fore they used um in rifles.
Fer you'ns that want ta shoot what yur greatgrandpappy shot more power to ya!! Your commin from my side of the fence but I thin what's gotta happen har is fer the Game people to writ the laws so it's a fair to everyone. Corse I no I'm a gonna upset both sides but I'm a thinen if them talescopie sights warn't allowed un everyone had to use iron sights it would make 'am long shots so dam hard them inlines would be used jus like yur 1840's designs are.
These special hunts in most places were designed ter be low suksess hunts what wouldn't hurt the hurd much.
Iffen the Game Department ment it ta be a primitive hunt like am bows 'n arries peoples seasons are they should jus go an say so an ban am glass sights. In fact I heered that in som places they don jus that!
So iff'n ya talk to um ya might get what yur after!
Keep ur powder or is it pellets dry!
Just Jim, I kinda agree with what you say.Last I looked GA does not allow glass during ML season, but If I had my druthers, the jacketed bullets would also be restricted along with their sabots and fake powder.
Could trebuchets and catapults be classified as primitive weapons?

I could see me deer hunting with a catapult, hurtling 10'000 .50 caliber round balls at one time.

Wow, did I stagger off topic or what?
Some of you guys have your heads so far up your ass you can't pull them out if you tryed. Muzzleloading is putting a projectile on a charge from the muzzle end of agun. You want a traditional season than work on getting one. You guys still run steel wheeles on your tractors or are you still runninh horses. Still got some slaves working for you. What about compound bows with anti-vibe device, balence weights and scopes. Guess thats not a bow than. Range finders must be out of the question. Do your thing and i'll do mine.
"Muzzleloading is putting a projectile on a charge from the muzzle end of a gun." When all else fails fall back on the technicality that defiles the intent and opened the loophole to allow modern technology into ML seasons..POP! (sound of head rapidly exiting ass)...smells much nicer there than in the company of high tech, gotta have it easier, cleaner, shoots farther, feels like and performs like a centerfire, BUT it loads from the front so..... crowd
TG, ain't you being a little hard on poor ol Harv, after all he is a canadian. I was taught not to make fun of the handicapped. Even the Indians had respect for the mentally challenged.
quote:Originally posted by Harv:
You guys still run steel wheeles on your tractors or are you still runninh horses. I work with a few Amish men and they have horses and steel wheels, and they use black powder and patched roundballs to boot.

If you, (HARV) want to use an in-line and all that modern science has to offer in the way of ballistics, then do so.

The thing is to ENJOY yourself..

That's all that really matters, that is why we choose traditional muzzleloaders, because we ENJOY that style.

To each his own.

p.s. If in-lines are not really muzzleloaders, then what is on this forum's home page under "Shooting Accessories" in the weapon's section?
I have talked with many people around the country who were instrumental in getting "special" ML seasons underway in their respective states over the last 30 years, almost without exception the concept was to set aside a time, area, game allotment for a hunt with a different type of gun,... one which was representitive of a technology of an earlier time in history, one which loaded from the front, one which had a limited range when compared to modern guns,one whose projectiles had lesser balistic performance than the modern guns, one which typicaly had a sight system different from the modern guns, one which required a person to experience and learn how to use a piece of history..then as DNR's, lobbiest from manufactures and the influence of mainstream magazines and the general lack of knowledge of those in control took over, the only part of the above that seems to count to some is the load from the font part....only a small part of the picture. I suspect the technology is there today to make a rimless large bore cartridge with bullet and primer that would load from the front yet be extracted from the breech, it would be the same as a single shot Ruger yet it would "load from the front" I imagine that the only reason it has not come to be is even the modern ML advocates probably feel they could not push the point that far.
This is fun. I find the most accurate, easyest to shoot/clean, best game killing weapon that fits into the rules and I am a handicapped Canadian. Trying to see it your way but can't seem to get my head that far up my ass. My muzzleloader is able to accuratly take game to 300 yards. My rifle goes to 700 yards. PS. I am handicapped. Can't walk far so longrange shooting keeps me in the sport.
We have a few "hunters" here too that like to shoot 500+ yards with their "magnum" rifles. I occasionally come across the dead animals they thought they missed. We see the other casualties limping across a field now and then. To each his own I guess. To me, hunting is about the journey, not the destination. If I had my way, a game tag would be good for one animal shot at. If you shoot at an animal it's considered dead whether you find it or not and you close your tag and go home. You can not shoot at any other animal. Of course you could not enforce it, but it would be nice. We have no BP season here in Alberta so I hunt with my flintlock during regular rifle season. I don't care what kind of rifle someone else chooses to use as long as it's legal however, I do get a little disgusted with people like Jim Shockey that use a plastic stocked inline with stainless barrel, pyro-pellets and jacketed sabots and a scope, then trying to take credit for the challenges inherant to a primitive rifle just because technically it's a ML. If the longhunter society wants to allow inlines to qualify for entering game in their record book, they should have the same minimum standards as the B&C. We need a PRIMITIVE ML record book for hunters to compare their successes with other like minded hunters. Sorry for rambling


PS the only thing that makes Canadians inherantly handicapped is our Liberal govenment
CODY, my sincere apologies if you were offended, my remark did paint Canadians with a broad brush. I also offer my sincere condolences for you having to live under such a government. When are you guys gonna kick um out?
CODY, my sincere apologies if you were offended, my remark did paint Canadians with a broad brush. I also offer my sincere condolences for you having to live under such a government. When are you guys gonna kick um out?
Wick, no offence taken. As far as kicking out our dictatorial government, you'll have to ask the residence east of Manitoba. The west has been trying for years to no avail.

By the way, if I drive to the US, does my Canadian liscence plate allow me to park in the handicap parking stalls??


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