Hunting with the Old Army

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40 Cal.
Dec 1, 2004
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I know there are other posts out there but they cover a bunch of hand guns. I just wanted to get some info from you guys that hunt with the Old Army.

Mine is a ss with adj sights. I've had it for a while but was thinkin about takeing it with me(if allowed to) as a follow up shot at close range just to finish the job if needed. Do you guys think this is a wise move? Also how capable is the Old Army as a hunter? I am talking deer size animals. What would you consider it's max range and what loads are you using with rb?

thanks for the help
Here in Mich you can as long as you carry it in plain site. Such as a holster, have found that in the winter time the jacket may cover the holster but as long as you are not trying to conceal it from anyone I havn't found it to be a big deal. Unless you have a conceal carry then thats moot.
Thumbs: better check with your hunting law officials. Penn. is kinda anti-pistol as I remember. Also, I don't think the .44 Army Colt repro develops enough power for deer. If you can hit with it, it certainly will do for rabbits, coyotes, porkies, coons, etc. In answer to your question, I often carry a cap and ball Colt for a quick second (or third) shot if a deer I just hit with my flintlock is trying to get up. However, as a primary arm for deer IMHO it's too lacking in power. graybeard
You can hunt with an OA so long as your state regulations do not prevent it. The short barrel, short sight radius and comparitive low power of a cap and ball revolver make it useful but within severe limitations. The conicals will give you better ballistic coefficient and a heavier projectile but, the longer size will reduce how much powder charge you can get into the cylinder. My estimate is, the Ruger OA is at best good out to typical archery range for deer, maybe 30 yrds.
Yup just checked. Anyway I think it's single shot .50 or larger for "big"game. It says .50 cal. for hand guns. It doesn't say anything about single shot for pistols. I guess it would be impossible to get a revolver in .50 or better. LOL probably weight 30lbs anyway. LOLOh well I guess I'll start lookin for something that will fit the bill. Sure would be nice to be able to use the same load as the rifles.
As in any hunting situation shot placement is the key variable. An ROA will certainly stop a whitetail deer if the shot is well placed. Many people (experienced hunters who know their targets and weapons very,very well) use one exclusively. They shoot only at close range and only when presented with a sure one shot kill opportunity.

That being said, IMHO everyone who hunts should carry a sidearm as a backup/coup de grace gun at all times.
Yeah that was my real intent. But it looks like they won't let me do it. Oh well.
In N.H. we can't legally hunt deer with BP revolvers during muzzleloader season. BUT, I carry mine anyway. It would be good for a killing headshot.
mykeal said:
That being said, IMHO everyone who hunts should carry a sidearm as a backup/coup de grace gun at all times.

I always carry a sidearm when hunting, during muzzleloader season or rifle season. That being said it's always a .44 mag or 500 S+W, along with a cap and ball revolver during muzzleloader season.
I have another question for ya. I haven't hunted the OA but do a bit for paper punchin. Anyway when I get home I take the nipples out take out the cylinder, take the grips off and put it in the dishwasher. Take er out lube er up and ready to go. Anything wrong with this? I do check the cylinder to make sure its clean. How do you guys clean yours?
I don't use the dishwasher, but a lot of people do. They report that the only down size is when the wife finds out... :surrender:

I do pretty much the same thing in a utility sink - just takes more manual labor and I still get regular hot meals.

BTW, does PA expressly prohibit the carrying of a bp sidearm while hunting, or do they just say you can't use it to hunt with? They may allow you to carry it if you also have a rifle as your hunting weapon.
it's certainly capable of taking anything east of the Miss. River, excepting large black bear and moose. I carry mine or my '58 'Buffalo' when going bear hunting with a party that has dogs. I ain't the only one carrying a BP gun either. they are a close range proposition of course. I took a 300 lb. wild hog with a chest shot at about 20 paces with mine. pass thru but it ran off aways for a track-down in thicket. found it near dead and shot it again.
Since you are talking about follow up or mercy shots I would think that the OA would be sufficient and less damaging than using your rifle again. Probably been said here but my main concern would be packing the revolver if your regulations stipulate single shot, only. I don't think you can carry along a repeater for Virginia's primitive season. If you state does permit it, then you might consider a flap-type holster if concealment is an issue.
Well that's a good question. I know they say to hunt deer you need .50 or better. Depending on how you read it it can be a revolver, I guess. The rifle has to be single shot but mentions noting specific about the bp pistol except the .50.

I'm sure you can hunt small game with it but will have to be sure. I know you can use handguns for small game so I guess bp applies

It mentions nothing about primary weapon. I have a carry permitt so I guess it's really a mute point. (I guess) Ya never know about the laws.

I really haven't found a problem with putting the OA in the dishwasher. I haven't noticed any left over smutz in the washer. My wife hasn't complained, and she would. LOL
For those that use dish washers, what kind of detergent, if any, do you use? We use Cascade Complete which is much stronger than some brands. Kind of wonder if it will etch or frost some metals.
forgot to mention that N.C. regs say no tag-along pistols in BP season (or archery FTM), makes no sense to me as you could take a cart full of long guns into the woods w/you. Muzzlers of course.
also U might try using W/W fluid in a spray bottle to hose your pistol down with. let it soak awhile, repeat then dismantle to scrub/wipe. really breaks the fouling and contains alcohol and ammonia both nuetralize sulfur acid. when camping that's what I carry a small plastic jug of. real handy. I carry Go-Jo white hand cleaner also. it's good for wipe-down if you ain't (or can't) gonna do a thorough clean-up right away, say overnight or couple days.
Thumbs: I run a patch with bp solvent in each chamber and down the barrel before putting in the dishwasher. When the cycle is done, take the parts out while still hot, spray down with wd40, then with rem oil. I've been doing that for years and no rust or problems. graybeard
:rotf: Saw this thread and had to dig this pic up from a long time ago. I strapped my Old Army to my leg during the 1978 Vermont deer season. Never used it but I was quite the gunslinger. :haha:

I carried a Dragoon for years during season loaded with 250 grain REAL's over 40 grains of P. I only ever used it once. Anything with a chest the size of a deer would need to stay out past 50 yards if he wanted to be safe when it was loaded that way. At 50 yards, it would put 5 of 6 into a ragged hole off a good bench setup. The 6th was almost always a little right. Recoil in the heavy Dragoon was not that bad. Roundball would not penetrate an old oven door at 100 yards. The 250 REAL's sailed right on thru at 100 yards. That is not one of the wimpy modern ovens either. I quit carrying a revolver and sold all my pistols years back. This year because of circumstances, I am back carrying a CVA Colt replica all the time at the cabin. I would not even question using it on a close whitetail loaded the way it is.
Cool rig Swampy. I have taken a whitetail with my OA. She was about 10 yards, broadside to me. I had been sound asleep, laying on the ground when something woke me up. Evidently that doe didn't know what was snoring and stood there stamping her foot at the noise. A .457 and a full chamber of RS shot through and through.That load is my best compromise between accuracy and power.