I acquired a beautiful tiger maple full stock "rifle" in what i believe is Bedford style. It is simply line engraved and only metal was nose cap and barrel. The latter is an unfired (?)_ .45 Green River, 13/16" 42" flinter, with plug, touchhole liner, wedding bands and reduced flats last 20" or so. The barrel is dovetailed for sights but has underlugs (installed and pinned to stock). First problem is that's all that's there. No lock and nothing else. Its fully inletted for everything but few clues as to what they were. For some unknown reason someone "backfilled" nearly all the inletting (and several mistakes with acraglas. Spent several hours trying to match parts with inletting at Gun Works. They were very patient and made like a 100 trips to the stock room. I now have a patchbox, thimbles, triggers. A large Siler/chambers lock fit close but will need acraglas to fill previous beaver chewing. will keep trying and posting pics if anyone is interested. Comments and suggestions on parts and any help near Florence Oregon would be greatly appreciated
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