I received this jezail style flintlock from my uncle. It was recovered from the basement of a 4-500 year old building in the LA area back in the 80's. It was in a wooden case with 3 others just like it. The mechanism is a Nicholson 1779. Thy lore passed down with it is that there was a Mexican peasant revolt against the Dons of the area, and that weapons were smuggled in from anywhere they could get them, including these Middle East style jazails. I have no clue to the accuracy of the story, but that's what I was told. Any info on this would be amazing!
I received this jezail style flintlock from my uncle. It was recovered from the basement of a 4-500 year old building in the LA area back in the 80's. It was in a wooden case with 3 others just like it. The mechanism is a Nicholson 1779. Thy lore passed down with it is that there was a Mexican peasant revolt against the Dons of the area, and that weapons were smuggled in from anywhere they could get them, including these Middle East style jazails. I have no clue to the accuracy of the story, but that's what I was told. Any info on this would be amazing!