Today was the first time out with the 240 grain Kaido Conicals I cast from my mold. They did very well out of my Uberti NMA with standard sights and Slix Shot Nipples. The revolver shot it's best group with a 30 grain charge. That load is stout, and that bullet hit the back stop at 40 meters with authority. 30 grains is the limit, the bullets are right near the top of the cylinder. If any more power is needed which I doubt, triple 7 may be the answer to that. The pic is the last 12 shots with the 30 grain charge @ 25 yards. They hit to point of aim when I do my part and as you can see a few times I did not. While they may have been fliers, I'm still saying it was me. But in all any one of them is meat on the table.