I’m considering taking advantage of the Kibler “free shipping sale. I really don’t have the time to dedicate to the build right now so If I buy a kit, can I store it for a few months before I start the build? Any harm to the wood, etc? Thx, E..
I’m considering taking advantage of the Kibler “free shipping sale. I really don’t have the time to dedicate to the build right now so If I buy a kit, can I store it for a few months before I start the build? Any harm to the wood, etc? Thx, E..
I received my Woodsrunner kit in early February of this year. it was an early birthday present which is in July. I did open it, and fit the barrel, then disassembled and put back in the box just as it had arrived from Kiblers and put it over in a corner. I started on in the day after my birthday and everything still fit like it had when I received it. I just finished it up this past weekend. so certainly it did fine sitting for close to 6 months
Thank you it was pretty much following Jim Kibler's videos. the stain is his iron nitrate, but I had about 10 or 11 hours of sanding before staining to make sure I got it to the level I wanted. I then finished it with Tru-Oil. it has about 12 coats on the buttstock area and about 6 up on the forestock area. reason for so many coats on the buttstock is I had some sanding issues where I made a mess of things, and I just kept going till it got it back to the glossiness I was looking for.- oh and it was an extra fancy maple stock to start with.. so really all the kudos are due to Kibler.Nice!! Can you please describe your finsihing method? It's amazing!!
I’ve got an SMR I haven’t started yet and all I’ve done is seated the barrel in the stock and it’s held in place with rubber bands along the length. Not anything else I’m worried about past that.I would not leave the kit untouched. I would get the barrel inlet into the stock. there was another member here a while back that left the kit untouched for a few months and the forearm warped due to changes in humidity. once the barrel is in it can sit.