Kibler's next gun?

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We will bring along the rough prototype of our up and coming Fowler Rifle Kit. We are very excited to get to share this with the customers who are joining us at the Hospice Hoedown event next weekend. Those in attendance will be able to handle it and get a taste of the final stages of bringing a kit to life.

The Fowler is not currently available for purchase.
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Copied this from an email before the Hospice Rifle drawing. Jim has said for the last year that the new kit would be a Fowler.
Please don’t get me wrong I have nothing against a nice NW Trade Gun but I was kinda thinking he would do something other than sorta colonial/ French and Indian war in and around that sorta time period thing , Maybe a Full Stock Hawken or something along that line. I am sure I’ll get hell for posting this comment. Ha Ha…:rolleyes:
In one of his videos, he answered a question about possible future projects. Among the things he said he would like to do is a Hawken/plains style rifle but had other projects to complete first and that it would be down the road. Also hit on a possible pistol in the same answer. Only ones that'll lambast ya are the predictable haters no matter the subject. See you've already run afoul of that though.
You do know that at this point we all know what is coming and roughly when it's coming right? I even backed you up in the Kibler Fowler thread with links to forum posts and the video about this thing or did you choose not to see that because it was agreeable and that's not how you roll. We are just getting on here to talk which is the entire point of a forum. If you scroll way on down to the bottom of the main page there are several sections that no one posts in. I bet if you hang out in those sections no one will ruffle your feathers and you might be happier.
In one of his videos, he answered a question about possible future projects. Among the things he said he would like to do is a Hawken/plains style rifle but had other projects to complete first and that it would be down the road. Also hit on a possible pistol in the same answer. Only ones that'll lambast ya are the predictable haters no matter the subject. See you've already run afoul of that though.
I'd go with a Hawken. And it was in part because of that movie.
I want him to do an Ak with a curly maple stock and brown tactical finish.
You can’t/ shouldn’t do a tactical brown. It blends in with the rest of them. Highlight the curl especially if you decide on the extra fancy wood.
Do a satin polyurethane if you need a modern finish.

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