I apologize for mentioning something that goes against the traditionalist thinking prevalent on this forum.
All I wanted to do is mention what I've used for over a thousand shots with the exact same rifle that the OP has. When I say works for me I meant meets my expectations, doesn't mean it would meet someone else's that might be more stringent. With this being the first flintlock for the OP I'd be surprised if his expectations aren't closer to mine than to someone who's been shooting these (or most likely much higher end) guns for many years. We all start somewhere.
What I mean by works for me is that the gun will fire almost every time. That reliability would be even better if I didn't run my flints till I have a misfire before I knap or change it. I only shoot paper but if I were hunting I'd start with a fresh or at least a freshly knapped flint and I'd bet on near 100% fire rate.
On those occasions when I've recovered my patches they are neither torn nor burned through.
I do all my shooting offhand at either 25 or 50 yds and don't kid myself about my marksmanship. I'm older and have trouble keeping a steady aim. Eyes aren't great either. I can't say what someone who is a good shot could do from a rest at those or longer distances.
I've only been shooting flintlocks for a year and a half so I don't know squat about it compared to most members here, and I only wanted to relate what I do. I'm certainly not saying it's the best way for anyone else, but I do think there's also a mindset in long time shooters that what they do is right and anything else is wrong. We all get set in our ways.
I hope my remarks don't offend anyone as that is not my intention. I think that new shooters might have different perspectives sometimes and since I'm one of them I like to give mine.
It's all good. I hope.