Here is a recipe I prepare quite often at events:
8 rashers of bacon
8 sausages
8 slices of combination black & white pudding
4 mushrooms, or 100g /4 oz button mushrooms
2-4 tomatoes
4-8 eggs
Freshly ground black pepper to taste
Fresh parsley sprigs to garnish(a must have).
Serves 'about' 4:
1. Grill the bacon, sausages and pudding slices, or them in a cast iron skillet until crispy; to avoid crowding the pan, use a very large one or cook in batches and keep warm until everything is ready.
2. Cook the mushrooms and tomatoes with a little butter, in a separate pan, or under the grill.
3. When everything else is ready, take the pan that was used for the bacon (or drain off any remaining fat from the grill pan, for flavour) and, adding a little extra oil or butter if necessary, cook one or two eggs per person in it.
4. Arrange everything on plate; add a little grinding of black pepper and a sprig of parsley and serve with toast(rye is perferred).
This is a traditional breakfast I prepare for the boys before battle, Boyo!
Hope this helps.! :thumbsup: