Hello all, looking for Mowrey .40 cal instruction manual or owner's manual copy. Also, any ad that has that in it. Thanks in advance.
Thanks for that. I did google. Haven’t found an ad for the 40 yet. Was also just curious what the owners manual looked like.If you GOOGLE search Mowrey, you'll find lots of info on them and a few advertisements. I haven't seen an instruction manual, but there is a nice 6-page article on them (focus is on the .50 caliber) in the 1972 "Black powder gun Digest". Attached is part of one of their early ads from when the company was in Texas.
View attachment 380357
Thanks for that, also.My scanner is not connected so I can't send a copy of my old catalogue (yet), but I found this in an old MLF thread. It seems to be more of what @OLUT shared above.
@OLUT - do you know a lot about Mowrey's guns? Mine is an Ethan Allen "plains rifle" serial number 10256. I'd like to know where and when it was made. Interestingly, the name "Mowry" is misspelled on the gun in very small engraved letters. Except for the caliber "50" there are no other markings.