Looking into getting me a Squirrel Rifle

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32 Cal
Apr 18, 2022
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I have nothing smaller than .45 caliber and would like a small caliber squirrel gun. My local gunshop has a Hopkins & Allen 20" Barrel .36 Cal Percussion Underhammer rifle and a Dixie Gun Works Tennessee Mountain Squirrel Rifle Flintlock .32 caliber 41" barrel. Prices are the same I really dont need two rifles. Are the DGW Flintlocks any good ? I was doing some reading and found a mixed lot of reviews. I like the underhammer too but I feel as though 20" of barrel may be too short to do any good. Anyone want to shed some light on this for me ?
A local muzzleloading shooter and hunter who would hunt a few farms down the highway had a .50 caliber DGW Tenn Mtn Rifle. It was a flinter with the 41" barrel. The barrels to my knowledge are not swamped but are straight (someone correct me if I am wrong). That means they arent balanced well. I have shouldered that fellas .50 cal rifle and its a heavy rifle and is front heavy imo. I didnt know they made a .32 cal but a quick forum search shows some that have sold on here. It all comes down to condition really. If its in good shape then buy it. If the price is over $400 leave it in the shop. Those rifles are the same as the Hatfields and to an extent the new Pedersoli 39" barrel Blue Ridge rifles and Frontier rifles. I would look into that underhammer myself. Love my .45 cal H&A. I squirrel hunt with it but I have since decided to make a .32 cal barrel for it by buying a barrel and adding an H&A breechplug. The underhammer keeps the initial ignition flash out of your face if you flinch. The 20" barrel is plenty to take a squirrel. Not enough to develop energy for larger animals like Deer but since your a Marylander .40cal is the minimum of our state. I would get that H&A rifle, start to load it with a .36 cal round ball, .010" patch and about 15 to 20grs of FFG or FFFg powder and give it a whirl. Then develop that load from there. If its got the 20" barrel thats typically the "Buggy Rifle" barrel and if its got the globe sights it makes it even better for squirrel hunting.
I’m very partial to the .32 calibre…I’ve been shooting .32 calibre for much of the last 38+/- years and have greatly enjoyed the little 8mm. With practice…100 yrds is doable on squirrels.

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