Lubricated Wads Contaminating Black Powder or Substitute

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Seems like a simple solution is to back the charge off slightly and use 2 wads. The one on top of the powder is dry, the 2nd one is lube side up to the ball. Then again maybe I'm just trying to uncomplicate stuff too much.
Seems like a simple solution is to back the charge off slightly and use 2 wads. The one on top of the powder is dry, the 2nd one is lube side up to the ball. Then again maybe I'm just trying to uncomplicate stuff too much.
Traditions used to sell "wad shooting kits" with a thicker wad for "between powder and ball" and a thin wad "for over the ball"

Maybe there's something to this. Just stick a dry wad over the powder for accuracy , keeping the gas uniform on the ball, etc and a heavily lubed wad over the ball to keep the arbor and bore moist

I've done this a little bit but not a lot. So maybe putting a wad over the ball is bad or dangerous which is why no one does it and I'm just stupid
No need for a chronograph.

Purchased some pre-lubed wads from Cabelas quite a while back, forget the date. Loaded up a number of cylinders using the wads for a SASS shoot the following morning. None of the roundballs from the first cylinder I shot made it out of the barrel. Had to knock the roundballs out after each shot. A few of them got stuck in the forcing cone. I was a DQ for the match. By the time I got home every load was contaminated to the point of being being dead. Talked to Cabelas. They said it must have been too hot and I left the loaded cylinders in the sun. Saved the package for something to look at any time I though about buying something from Cabelas. There are some places where the sun doesn’t shine I guess.

Purchased punches and hard felt (Durofelt) that day. Used my own lube since. Have not used a purchased wad since.
I buy those self-same wads and have for more than 10 years. NEVER had a problem with them fouling out my pre-loaded cylinders. And trust me, the sun shines on Texas just fine!
using 1/4" felt in a .36 with regulated powder charge you can set the ball flush with the chamber mouth. As i recall around 15 to 20 grain volume but YMMV
I agree if you are shooting immediately, long term if it is all you can carry by laws or affordability wads contaminate powder, several other forums there is actual proof. If your going to carry long term or if it is going to be loaded prior to shooting for any amount of time Lubricated wads are Never a good choice, That is all, but hey it aint none of my business