making leggins

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40 Cal.
Nov 28, 2009
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I'd like to try and make a pair of leggins for the F&I time peroid. I'm wanting them to be of the eastern type.This is my first try and I was wondering what material I could try besides cutting up a wool blanket or buying a deer hide. Would the wool felt or fleece from w-mart be ok for starters, just to get the experince, or maybe canvas. :idunno:
The wool felt would not hold up, it is very weak in strength. I would use to cotton duck for practice. It can be died any color and is much stronger, as well as usually cheaper to buy.
Kinda depends on who you are.

Going from memory, the Brit military usually used painted canvas, most woods runners used heavy wool. To be honest, I don't remember reading of white civilians wearing leather leggings, but I'm sure they probably did. Most of the references I remember reading of leather leggings were worn by NDNs, though they often wore heavy wool leggings too.

That said, a medium weight canvas would be a good place to start. Sew 'em with heavy, white linen thread and dye 'em with brown Rit berries.

God bless
Canvas works well. I've had a pair and they were pretty nice. :thumbsup: And I'm pretty sure(don't hold me to this!) the whites did wear deerskin leggins. :2
I sure like getting all these replys. I think I'll try the canvas and another option that I was told about was Chimise cloths from W-mart. ( auto dept. for washing cars). They are a light weight leather. Anything is worth trying just for the experience.
I made a pair out of the car wash stuff. They worked well, were soft and dried amazingly well :wink: . They were light and very cool in the summer. They lasted about a year of medium use. Be sure to reinforce the point you are going to use to "hang" them from your belt or sash. Avoid going through bramlbly country,they're not great for protection they will tear. Last but not least, they take RIT dye really good.

Oh ya, they will stretch to so if you want a snug fit either pre-stretch em or make em tight.
Let me know when you want to try some of the thin leather if I can find the box were its in Should be ab;le to help you out