Crisco will work, olive oil is even better. The service load was 60 grains, 65 and up can be excessive and get a little tiring after 30 or 40 shots. Going with the assumption the minis are pure lead, the only thing that should be used, and the skirt isn't excessively thick (rare) you should get good expansion with less than 60 grains. Dig a ball or two out of the backstop and check the rifleing engagement. When you choose a bullet and get everything worked out you will find the most accurate loads are between 35 and 50 grains of 2f or 3f. Thirty nine grains of 2f will propel a 315 grain mini at 925 ft./sec. (chronoed) and is very accurate for me out to 100 yards but that's with a good fit and a good lube.