Moose milk

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I finally got around to mixing up some moose milk,equal parts of hydrogen peroxide,alcohol,and Murphy's oil soap.It worked great on my flinter yesterday after putting a dozen shots through it,made the cleanup a lot quicker and less messy.Wish I had done it a long time ago when I was first told about it.Anyone else had any expierence with this?I think there might have been a thread on this a while back,but I don't remember if the exact same mixture was used.
That's what I always called M.A.P. which your right, it is a great cleaner for the muzzleloader. The only thing to remember is any time you use hydrogen peroxide in your bore or on metal, you have to apply a high quality gun oil afterward or you wil have rust form so fast it will shock you.... If you did not oil the bore well afterward, check the rifle as soon as possible....
That ain't Moose Milk. Moose Milk is one part water soluble machinist oil, to 10-12 parts water.

Heed the warning on hydrogen peroxide. It is a very aggressive oxidizer, and can do nasty and potentially dangerous things to your breechplug threads. I would not put any in my rifles.
Thanks for the warning about the peroxide.At the risk of sounding stupid,whats a M.A.P.?
The original Moose Milke receipe is:

Water souluble machinest oil
murphy's oil soap
distilled water
rubbing alcohle if you don't want it to freeze

My spelling sucks :snore:
Hey Nord , what is the mix ratio for the Moose milk recipe you listed above ?
I am not sure but I will get the receipe for you tonight and post it to the forum. :thumbsup:
I am not sure but I will get the receipe for you tonight and post it to the forum. :thumbsup:

The one I use, and I'm not sure who's recipe it is, is 2 ozs water soluble cutting oil & 2 ozs of Murphy's Oil Soap to a quart of water.
It works great as a patch lube as well as for cleaning.
Any of you guys use Ballistol? It's inexpensive, water soluble, non-petroleum based, and leaves a BP-friendly residue. I use an 8:1 (water to Ballistol) mixture to clean my BP cartridge guns, and one pass with a patch saturated with this moose milk is usually all it takes to make the bore gleam. I run a patch with straight Ballistol down the bore afterwards and wipe down all the metal and have yet to get any rusting. It "seasons" the metal better than anything else I've used. The stuff can also be used as a patch lube, to wipe down your leather and wood, and you can put it on cuts and scrapes to keep 'em from getting infected. It smells like dirty sweat socks and black licorice, but I swear by it. :m2c:

P.S. This stuff works with that new-fangled smokyless stuff, too.
Yepper I use M.A.P. but I found out quick not to let it set with any in it.

I always coat with oil imediately after cleaning my guns. My mentor has been using MAP for 30+ years guns are still in great shape. Trick is to lube well with a good oil after you clean!

Chuck :redthumb:
:agree:I switched to Ballistol because I didn't like absorbing all that Break Free or G96 (both excellent for exterior metal and bore preservation). The Ballistol I use is in a aerosol-type can and I just spray some on a patch for exterior wipe-down and bore swabbing. Its good on the wood every so often, too! :imo:
Make my WezilPiz with Ballistol and Alcohol (70%) which is the basic you buy at the drug store.

Mix it 4:1 alcohol to ballistol, makes a great bore cleaner and lube. Stinks like old he// but works great.

After cleaning with WezilPiz , use patch with straight Ballistol for final wipe through , this takes care of the water in the alcohol solution. :m2c: :results: :redthumb: