Most Dangerous Tool?

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Adventures with axes. We heat our house with wood cut from our land, and I do a lot of tree felling the traditional way, with my beloved Iltis axe (German - bought it from Lee Valley). About a year ago I bought a Gransfor (Swedish) forest axe - great little axe for boughing, only about two thirds the length of the Iltis. I forgot this size difference and whacked myself on the head taking a swing at a fallen tree. I was lucky it was a glancing blow, but even so I thought I'd killed myself. After years accident-free, felling hundreds of trees with nary even a branch falling on me, I now wear a safety helmet for even the most mundane chopping jobs because I'm afraid of self-inflicted injury. I think I've lost the edge ... must be getting old ...
The most dangerous thing in my workshop is my watch. Every time I try to "beat the clock" I do something stupid. Last time I sawed my thumbnail down the middle with a ordinary old hacksaw.I got in a hurry and wasn't watching what I was doing.
Most dangers tool? the (this will do)

Exapmle: I know I need the correct tool for this job but grab the this will do. :shake:
I've already made one reply, but have to mention this one. About 25 years ago I was working for someone and he left me on a job ( I'm a carpenter ) to frame out a wall, fix a floor, something like that I can't remember exactly, anyway I was out of circular saw blades that were sharp, and the only thing I had ( not even a file ) was a portable belt sander. So I took off the blade and plugged in the sander. Since I had a bad accident with a table saw prior to this which left my left hand not so dextrice and sensitive to touch. When I rolled the belt sander over, my finger of my left hand hit the trigger, the sander went on and my index and middle fingers which were on the sanding belt got gripped and suckedinto the rear of the drive wheel and the frame. Take a look someday... there's not a whole lot of room there. Well it peeled, rather ripped those fingernails right back. And that WAS the most intense pain I had. And I have been hurt more than I'm willing to admit. .........George F.
P.S. Do ya think I'm accident prone?
In eleventh grade i got my finger pinched by an injection mold. the plate was set at 20 tons. have aa nifty skin graft to remember it by. also last march i used a razor sharp chisel to pry with and jamed it into my middle finger. cut all the way to my tendons. still a little numb on one side.
Did ya look around quick to see if anybody saw ya. That's what I do! Feel like such an ass when I get injuried. After all these years you would think I would know better...............George F.
If you ask my brother which tool not to let me use he would say an electric drill. One time I was helping him run heating duct work in his house. He was holding the joint while I drilled the hole, I drilled through the duct and through his thumb coming out the nail. Funny, after that he wanted to use the drill and let me hold the duct.
strider said:
Adventures with axes. We heat our house with wood cut from our land, and I do a lot of tree felling the traditional way, with my beloved Iltis axe (German - bought it from Lee Valley). About a year ago I bought a Gransfor (Swedish) forest axe - great little axe for boughing, only about two thirds the length of the Iltis. I forgot this size difference and whacked myself on the head taking a swing at a fallen tree. I was lucky it was a glancing blow, but even so ----------(I thought I'd killed myself.)----------- After years accident-free, felling hundreds of trees with nary even a branch falling on me, I now wear a safety helmet for even the most mundane chopping jobs because I'm afraid of self-inflicted injury. I think I've lost the edge ... must be getting old ...

Willy-" :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: (I thought I killed myself) :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: quit it! your killing me :rotf: :rotf:

Sorry Strider, but I thought that only happened in the movies!" :shocked2:

Btw-- I have smashed ,pinched ,cut,burnt,electrcutied myself enough times it would take a book to list my moments of wisdom!


YET :shocked2:

Glad you surived :grin:

not really. i first thought that nothing had happened but then i released the plate on the machine and looked at my finger or should i say what was left. i still get chills when i think of what my finger looked like when i removed the glove. You would think that as i get older that i would know better. but sometimes that is true and sometimes i have a brain fart and i do something stupid :haha:
Good ol' fashioned common screwdriver! I think I have pulled more of them out of my left palm than fish hooks out of my fingers. :nono: Stuck a couple clear through! :nono: That smarts! but is not too smart! :hmm:
120 V ain't too bad, just a little bite.

Now 240 V....... been hit twice.

Once was working on wiring and some jack*** turned the breaker on. :cursing:

Other time I was assured the line was dead, and cut through 8/2 with my linesmans while bumping copper water lines with my other arm. :cursing: :cursing:

That wakes you up......and gives you stripping notches in the linesmans. :shocked2: :grin:

Used to be a sign in a factory where I was workin: "Don't Scratch Your Head with the Nailgun!"
'nuff said'.
Actually two tools, if used in conjunction with each other. A large needle and a pair of pliers. See, I am kinda new at making things out of leather. Well, I was stitching two pieces of leather together and found if I used a pair of pliers to pull the needle through it was a lot easier, except...I let my mind wander and well...the needle and thread came through the leather fine..and kept on going..into the meat at the base of the thumb. It went in...and came back out..went in again and came back out again...and went back in. I now am qualified to do speed stitching if anyone needs to be sewed up :grin:
I forgot...there is one more tool...the tomahawk...I thought it would be a great idea if I sharpened the blade on mine. Uh huh, I was wearing a sort of serape and I was trying to stuff the hawk under my belt at my back. The serape was not cooperating in that it kept snagging on the hawk blade so I was using my left hand to sort of guide things along. I got it in the belt alright, but when I withdrew my hand the other guys near me were looking at me with open mouths. I managed to cut across my fingers right after the first joint with that blade down to the bone..didn't feel any pain...but there was blood all over the place.
Legion said:
120 V ain't too bad, just a little bite.

Now 240 V....... been hit twice.

Been there and lightning aint any better. :shocked2:
The most dangerous tool around me? Electricity

I eat 120 for breakfast.
i don't mean to preach but more people are killed by 120v than any other voltage. thats because its so common and we are complacent with it. i managed to get hung up on 277v in a ceiling and couldn't let go. the only thing that saved my life was that my legs collapsed and i fell off an 8 ft. ladder to the concrete floor. kinda' ruined the plans i had for the night. even after this i never gave much thought about getting rapped off my fish tanks in my own basement. the tank had a bad heater and i wasn't wearing shoes. i should have known better. you guys and gals be careful in your shops and basements and make sure that you have GFCI protected outlets please. i'll step down off my soapbox now. :yakyak:

I gots hit with 220 oncet or twice ..
didna bother me abit .. infact improved my
looks and my lovelife!
I think the worst hand tool is a hatchit with a handle just long enough to reach the knee and just a little bit dull