If you are going to use open sights at night you need to have a head light and mount it catiwompus on your head. You will also need a cowboy type hat to cast a shadow around you.
Put the headlight and hat on, then aim the gun and adjust the hat until the light lines up with the sights. Leave it in that position or turn it to that location when you sight the animal. Carbon black on the rear sight and dull white paint or fingernail polish on the front will help keep the glare down. Do some practice at night, you will find that you will shoot higher than normal, just adjust your aim point acordingly.
The best headlight is one of the oldest, the carbide miners light throws a strong but gentle (maybe the word is diffused?) light. The animals seem very relaxed when you hit them with it. A normal 6 volt headlight works also.
I have never used the modern sights that glow but that might fix your problem and let you stay with the maglight.
Here is a link to the xs sights page, the Cowboy Express sights should be great.[url]
TC has some fiber optic sights for thier barrels and should work as well.
Night hunting and open sights is a close range proposition, the scope allows you much greater range and precision especialy with the varmit light mounted upon the scope.
If the pigs are coming to a fixed location (baited fence drossing etc.) You can mount the chead solar powered flood lights and sit back in the dark and brain shoot them when they come out of the thicket. I highly recomend brain shots as looking for a wounded or dead pig at night is tough. We dont need to go into what a 300 # gut shot bore would do with you in that thicket!
Have fun