New 32 cal custom flintlock

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silent sniper

40 Cal.
Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
well here is my new 32 cal fintlock. It has a green mountain swamped barrel and a R.E DAVIS lock
it has extremely pretty wood











what do you guys think???
I think that's one of the nicest rifles I've seen :bow: I hope I can afford something like that someday haha :surrender: :hatsoff:
WOW! that is a nice lookin' stock. did you build this rifle, looks great.
Sweet rifle, hope she shoots as good as she looks...

I would like to make a suggestion...Have a plain background and lay the rifle down, going in the same direction when taking pictures...I find myself turning my head and trying to block out the background...
this is a fine looking gun. hope it shoots as well. did someone use a rock to move the rear sight to the left?
No I didnt build the gun. I bought it from the log cabin shop in lodi ohio for 850 dollars. and yes I think some moron that owned it before me didnt know how to move a sight lol. and another problem is that I think one of the previous owners bent the barrel because it shoots way to the left even with the sights sighten in all the way to the left. So I am going to take it back to the log cabin to see if some how they could bend the barrel back. But after that I think it should be a very good squirrel gun I cant wait. But my only problem is that I flinch so bad lol. I am trying to get a huge collection of muzzleloaders lol I am 14 and so far I have 6 muzzleloaders so I am getting there lol lol
That is a nice looking gun. And a flintlock to boot. Real nice stock.

You say you have six muzzleloaders and you're 14. What other guns do you have? I'm glad to see such a young fellow interested in muzzleloaders.

You say you flinch bad ?? That could be why it shoots off target . If there is any lag time from when the prime is ignited to the time the rifle goes off a lot of things can happen in between. I would set the sights centered again and work with it on the bench for awhile and see what happens .
Just a thought amigo :wink:
Bubba45 said:
You say you flinch bad ?? That could be why it shoots off target . If there is any lag time from when the prime is ignited to the time the rifle goes off a lot of things can happen in between. I would set the sights centered again and work with it on the bench for awhile and see what happens .
Just a thought amigo :wink:

Good advice... Fine looking piece.
well I am sure its not me because my grandpa shot it about 10 times and he has a couple flintlocks and he is pretty good with them so even though I wish it was only me but its not.
my other guns are double barrel original 14 gauge shotgun,32 cal crockett pistol, 54 cal hawken,50 cal hawken, and 50 cal bobcat. I am hoping i might get another Mler for christmas but I dont know lol .
If your a good boy I'm sure Santa will come through. I think Dan and the boys will help you out. I have been doing business with them for 50 years and they are first rate folks. The best to you.
Good lookin' rifle! :thumbsup:

But WAIT A MINUTE! It shoots way left? And somebody smacked the rear sight way left with a rock?
If you move the rear sight to the right it will move the point of impact to the right. Maybe it just needs centered back up.