New Frizzen needed?

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Whatever that white thing is in the cock jaws, get rid of it. It's dull beyond use and had a terrible angle to begin with. Get yourself some real gunflints which are chipped by hand from blades struck from chunks of real flint. You'll likely have to continue the "bevel down" orientation of the current "flint" because the cock is too short and if you install it the other way, the flint's edge will only contact the lower third of the frizzen face. Still not ideal even bevel-down because the angle that the flint hits the frizzen will be close to 90 degrees which kills the edge on the flint and gouges frizzens. You want the top edge of the flint to be about 45 degrees to the frizzen face when contact is made, it's a balance between the flint trying to dig in too much and too little. The fire is made by scraping off little curls of white-hot steel from the frizzen face, so wear and scrape marks are normal, but you shouldn't be developing bad horizontal grooves in the face and should be getting 30-50 shots at least from a good flint before touching it up, then another 20 or so. With a much higher quality lock that has proper geometry and spring balance, over 100 good strikes can be reasonably expected per flint.
Follow up question;
I have got some real flints as suggested, but haven't tried them yet. But Ian mentioned a better quality lock, and I found there is a replacement lock from L&R that needs some slight inletting to replace the original lock. Has anyone ever used that lock? Pro's and cons?

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