Now this tops the cake...........

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I agree, but then "we: must stop and think about what she is saying and why? Then we have to grudgingly admit that she is probably right, and we hate doing that! :dunno:
So true. Marriage is a two-way street. That is until I buy 2 ML in one week. Then it turns into something that looks like a demolition derby.
Is anyone happily married???
I would like to think we are.been together for 40 years. I've helped her train for 24 marathons, including 5 Boston marathons.
She has helped me with my endeavors. We are best friends and enjoy each other.
She is trying to talk me into shooting the Quigley with my muzzleloader.


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I guess I'm lucky - in a way, that is - as buying a new gun here in UK, even a muzzleloader - is not something entered into lightly, as I'm sure I've mentioned many times before over the years.

Buying a genuinely antique muzzleloader is not a problem, although getting hold of a piece like my original Pritchett Volunteer rifle took some sweet-talking.

Arranging to be able to actually shoot it afterwards is a RPITA involving yet more funds, much paperwork and usually a few months of waiting.
Well known fact that women can't count past ten. The trick is to have more than ten guns BEFORE you get married. She will then class them as "the collection" and won't actually take note of individual guns in it. You can then buy, sell and trade to your heart's content with no wifely opposition.

Yeah, I know... it hasn't worked for me either.

Happened to see a Ruger No. 3 in 275 Winchester yesterday for $1,299.00 at Cabelas. Handled it briefly, but left it in the rack.
I heard that the trick was to always have 1 or 2 empty slots in the gun cabinet. The theory was that wifey would never know how many you have, but would always know how many empty spaces there should be. What worked for me was 3 bank accounts: one hers, one joint, one mine. What we spent out of our personal account could never be questioned. The joint account (for all joint expenditures like eating or house stuff)got fed by one pay cheque a month from each of us, thereby contributing at a level each could afford. Worked very well.
We now live in a world where it's OK to mock men. Mock masculinity. Berate men in public. Shame men in public. Make men look like fools on TV and in movies.

We're seeing an uptick in threats of violence as a joke. We're seeing real smacks to the back of the head. We're hearing more men tell their wives they'll be home soon while standing in the checkout line.

The amount of cowering to a supposed Partner in Life sickens me. A person who truly loved a Life Partner would encourage their passions. This goes for both men and woman.

So grab your sacks, stop being weenies, clean your pistols in the kitchen sink. And when your Partner in Life gets mad at you and gets out the rolling pins and frying pans, tell her that sink belongs to you too.
True Story
There appears to be a lot of PW'ed adult males (not men) on this forum who are afraid of their wives, and habitually lie to them. That is not a good reflection on the Black powder community in general. It is a pathetic thing to see.
After 40 years of dragging stuff in and out of the house Mrs. Whitworth is never quite sure what's been around for years or freshly acquired and bless her heart she doesn't even bother to ask anymore since our agreement. The agreement is, should I take off with another woman I will hock Mrs. Whitworth's 40 years of gifted jewelry for traveling money and if she takes off with another man she will hock my guns for traveling money. Each purchase is a potential investment in the other's future :thumb:
There appears to be a lot of PW'ed adult males (not men) on this forum who are afraid of their wives, and habitually lie to them. That is not a good reflection on the Black powder community in general. It is a pathetic thing to see.
Not PW'd. But I do like to pick and choose my battles. Some things are worth a confrontation. Others? Not so much so. Peace in the valley.
Not PW'd. But I do like to pick and choose my battles. Some things are worth a confrontation. Others? Not so much so. Peace in the valley.

My new ML arrived today. My wife likes it and is happy for me. So all is well again on the home front. That is, until the next time I bring one in the house. :)
…only have one mistress…
Just realized I lied about “Not having a redhead”… She is 50 feet long, pumps 1750 gal/min, and screams down the road like a scalded dog. I brought her home to Indiana from her birthplace in SD when she was 3 weeks old. I’ve left her in very capable hands when I retired.
Is anyone happily married???
Absolutely. I’ve always said that “I chased my wife until she caught me”. She joined the local Volunteer FD I was on at the time just to get close to me. Turned out she enjoyed and was the best damn back-up a nozzle jockey could have. She left after the birth of our kid, but she had the total understanding of everything I went through for the next 30 years. Her nickname for me is “nightmare”; I then immediately remind her that still makes me the ’man of her dreams’!! 😂
Well guys, now I don't know whether to be happy or scared. The wife has been commenting on how much she likes my new Great Plains Rifle. She has stated she would like to shoot it, and she's been taking pictures of it.

Whoda ever thunk it? Women can sure be unpredictable creatures.
only recourse you have is to build them! that way you can tell her you haven't bought a gun. don't ask if it works for me.
View attachment 189554
I see the makings of a #1 hit country song. Write your story, and throw in, "something about a truck", dirt road, and a starry night when the moon is bright.
Buy her the ml, dress and such
Sign her up for the competition she’ll get right on board
Midwest musket frolic women’s skillet throwing eventView attachment 190298
That would be awesome. She really is into the old time stuff. She has a lot of antiques in the house. Hey, wait a darn minute, why didn't I remember that last week. Now I got some recourse, and its been right under my nose all along.
Wife 6.75 years older than me and she looks younger than she is. That said she HATES me getting long hair and beard cuz it makes me look older?

Sneak em in? Oh yea! I did just get busted couple months ago with a Uberti .36 and a NNA .22 mag the same day. I GOTTA BE CAREFUL for a few months.

Work it out where she sees you carry out an empty gun case that she will assume has a gun in it. Later, bring the same gun case back in with the new gun inside.
I have never had to do that since my wife does not care about me buying guns. She knows they are good investments anyway. I know guys that have done the empty gun case thing. They say it works ALMOST all the time.
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