Old pistol safe to shoot?

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Thanks guys,I made a spot on the wall for it to live...It looks good up there beside the other 19 pistols hanging there..
I won't be shooting it but I sure would like to..Thanks again for all the help
Jon D said:
OK Zonie, now ya did it. You said similar, Does it have a makers name and a proof? I haven't seen a trigger with a screw like the one ebiggs has. Have you?...
Mine does not have a makers name on it and it does not have a screw thru the trigger. No, I haven't seen that done on other guns, and having an inkling of how these things work makes me wonder what the purpose of that screw really is.
It looks like it could be adjusted to stop the forward movement of the trigger but unless the trigger blade is a separate piece that we can't see I don't see how the screw could be used for adjusting the sear release.

The shape of my gun is very similar and it was made in Belgium so it does have the Leige proof marks on it.
It also has a German Silver ramrod entry pipe not found on fredrader's gun.
Given the obvious history (and your love of you right hand), I understand why you wouldn't want to take any risk at all by firing it.
Maybe you could put the parts together to build a modern replica that you could shoot the hell out of without concern.
I was just looking forward to shooting an original 1800's gun but I will just wait till I can find one without the Damascus Brl I guess..
I just pit it up on the wall with the rest of my (Obsessive Compulsive) Collection..I had to take down one to put the new one up so I guess I will have to make another pistol rack I guess..I made these pistol racks and the rifle rack thinking I would never use all of them but this hobbie is habit forming for sure..I'm running out of walls.

Well... it's definitely not the worst decorating scheme I've ever seen. :grin:

And you're obviously not hurting for things to burn powder with, so I don't blame you for not being in a huge hurry to shoot it.
Maybe if you decide you want to you could get another modern barrel made to fit it. Shoot it with a modern one, put the damascus back on to impress the grandkids.
Just throwing that out - I only own one BP gun at the moment so bear that in mind.
That was me 6 months ago,That is when I bought my first muzzleloader and thought it was cool and ever since I have been buying em up when I can find them at a good price..You will get more of em too,It's an addiction... :wink: