Patched ball lube

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Thanks to all for the input on lube. Stumpkiller,I'm a might wary of tinkering with Castor oil. Couldn't git by the taste as young chap an' I don't think it fair to force it on ole smoke pole. Might be good for one long shot or a couple short ones but I'm afraid the end result could be disastrous! Rather see him have a spotted fence lizard fried in rancid lard! Ain't got spotted fence lizards 'round here. I'm considering trying some of the blue tailed lizards we have but I'm a little worried it might change the color of my smoke. Even on a clear day you can step in one if ya ain't payin' attention
Del you left out the hoarse snot and toad sweat from your old patch lube. ::But i see you still have the main ingreadeants,mainly possum squeezens. ::
Am jus a wonderin 'bout them spotted fence lizzards.
Is the spotted ones what lives on ma plain fence em?
Or are em the plain ones what lives on ma spotted fence em?

A'm a guessin them peoples what put em lizzards on the endangered lizzard list don' know either so's as soon as one person counts one, 'nother person erases it from tha talley sayin "no, THAT was a "spotted fence" lizzard, not a spotted "fence lizzard.".

What all this comes down ta is they saw 243 "spotted fence lizards" but not one of em made it in thar book so's they all said "My God! Their almost extinct!!! ::
HEYYYY!!.. Thet Kentucky jelly stuff, has the same ingredients in it as my "spit" does!!!!!
I think sumbuddy's ben come'n in my house at night when I'm sleep'n, then leave'n with kegs of my "drool"!! (least they're take'n it all tha way back to Kentucky, to sell it!!)
rollingb word got out about you being a M.D.(mountain docter)they are sellen it in 4oz. bottles for patch lube and a cure for arthritis ::
I saw it in the store here a while back,it said RollingbRondo wonder lube thousand and one uses for it.
I here Maxi and SSE are using it on there spiral hams also ::
Hey, hey HEY!! What kinda funny biz is going on around here?? What happened to bellShaper?? He was a h*ll of a lot nicer guy that maxiball!!

Buckknife,.... :: Actually the "M.D." 'hind my name, means "Mountain Dweller",.... but, if it'll bring me "fame'n fortune", I won't tell nobuddy I'm not'a doctor!!

rollingb/Rondo (nestled comfortably here, 'tween tha "Big Horns'n Absarokees" ::)
RollingB: Sure glad to hear you arn't some sort of doctor. All I have is CIGNA and I really don't want to have to pay you $15.00 every time I ask you a question.
RollingB: Sure glad to hear you arn't some sort of doctor.
That's because he lacks patients... ::

I hear that Zonie wanted to be a tree doctor, but he had to give it up...
He fainted at the sight of sap...

So much for our topic...
What was it again?
Oh yes, I remember...
Patch Lube...

What about fish slime?
That's slippery...
I can see someone rubbing a patch on the backside of a carp... ::
"Zonie,... At tha risk of sound'n "dumb" (ooppps!! too late),... jest "what" is CIGNA,... some kind'a "forgit'n desease"???? :D
Dr. rollingb: CIGNA is fergittin' disorder. I have it. Went to the Doc, got some meds, and dangit!!! Cain't remember where I put it?
Put what?
What's tha topic?
I dunno.
Say! Lets talk about R fav'rite patch lubes!
mine is made frum 3 parts dog snot, lizzard lips (summer only)beeswax, (all year) salted lard, anytime, (substitute bacon grease drain thru a old sock & save tha sock)
Murphy's oil soap ta taste.
melt in micro wave oven and pour inta muffin tins.
This is the very best...............??????????
Although I appreciate a good sense of humor, sometimes you guys waste a lot of space with posts that are less than helpful to those of us trying to learn.

Just an observation, not a flame. :winking:
Might be a good idea for a separate category called: HUMOR

Or, establish a 'chat room'
Might be a good idea for a separate category called: HUMOR

Or, establish a 'chat room'

I wouldn't want to suggest that we can't be humorous here. Hell, some of the things I've read here had me falling out of my chair.

I do notice that sometimes we get a little carried away and get way off topic. I do that myself when I'm with friends and that just means we're comfortable with each other. It's human nature and it's good to laugh. (As long as the visitors don't think we're a bunch of lunatics) :p

I trust everyone here to police themselves and know when "enough is enough".

The bottom line for me, (don't you hate that phrase?) is that I want people to feel comfortable and not be too worried about how they act or what they say. I think if we are considerate of others and keep it "Rated G", we'll be fine.

Now, about the Chat Room. I've been looking into this for some time. I'm trying to decide on the right software for our needs. Look for it soon.
I wouldn't want to suggest that we can't be humorous here. Hell, some of the things I've read here had me falling out of my chair.

I do notice that sometimes we get a little carried away and get way off topic. I do that myself when I'm with friends and that just means we're comfortable with each other. It's human nature and it's good to laugh. (As long as the visitors don't think we're a bunch of lunatics :p )

I trust everyone here to police themselves and know when "enough is enough".

The bottom line for me, (don't you hate that phrase?) is that I want people to feel comfortable and not be too worried about how that act or what they say. I think if we are considerate of others and keep it "Rated G", we'll be fine.

Well put.

tommy b