I do not fault stores and shops for limiting cap purchases. They are simply doing what they can to at least keep some folks going for a little while. Considering we traditional ML fans are such a tiny fraction of sales to the actual ordinance manufactures of actual black powder and caps, I find it absolutely despicable for anyone to be a scalper. My guess is, most of the scalpers are not even into the trad thing other than to profit. They do not care if some folks cannot shoot their ML due to not finding any caps.
So, what is our options?
Either do a large purchase from some of the online dealers, even if it means having to pay HAZ-MAT. There are occasionally some deals pop up like in a post above where its free HAZ-MAT. Yes its a big hit on the wallet, but at least you can and should stock up on powder and caps anyway. We are living in very scary times in many aspects. Best be stocked up on anything you might think you need now.
Second choice is learn to make your own caps. There's plenty of information out there on this. Yes, it takes some trial and error and some time. But heck, once you get it down pat, you got it and really shouldn't be all that concerned about caps.
We are not allowed to discuss it here but I will state this. Some people make their own BP as well. That's as far as I will take this one.