Pipe and tobacco

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So the best lube is what???
Can you use a .40 on deer???
When did riflemen frocks/shirts/wamus come in to style and when did they go out????
Can you use 3f in a .62???
:dead: Its one of our favorite past times
Hold it hold it I think I seen him twitch :haha:
So the best lube is what??? It's my secret formula, and it don't get no better. Its a mix of spit, olive oil, bear oil, deer tallow, liquid soap, a squirt or two of Ballistol, weasel fat and...wait, I ain't giving my secret formula away.

Can you use a .40 on deer??? Of course you can. You can use a .40 on anything. It may not be legal but you can use a .40 on anything...just don't get caught when it is illegal. But you didn't ask if you should use it, just can you use it. Yep, you can.

When did riflemen frocks/shirts/wamus come in to style and when did they go out???? I don't know the exact year but it was 6:30 AM on a Wednesday morning that they came into style. They went out around 9:00 PM on a Friday. Again, I am not too sure about the year.

Can you use 3f in a .62??? Oh, of course you can. Heck, if you want to you can fill the bore up with it. No problem.... as long as you don't pull the trigger while you are holding it. It might stay together, I don't know. Then again......But, that was not your question, you just wanted to know if you could use 3f in a .62 cal. not should you use 3f in a .62. Sure you can. :haha:

Next question.....I'm listening. :thumbsup:
I think we should all pour a stout glass of Crown Royal or insert your favorite beverage, light up a bowl of your favorite tobacco and stare at the camp fire for a while. If anyone has some extra Esoterica Penzance bring it along. I'd like to taste the stuff at least once! :v :wink:
Staggerwing said:
I think we should all pour a stout glass of Crown Royal or insert your favorite beverage, light up a bowl of your favorite tobacco and stare at the camp fire for a while. If anyone has some extra Esoterica Penzance bring it along. I'd like to taste the stuff at least once! :v :wink:

I like how you think Sir!
Tallswife said:
Staggerwing said:
I think we should all pour a stout glass of Crown Royal or insert your favorite beverage, light up a bowl of your favorite tobacco and stare at the camp fire for a while. If anyone has some extra Esoterica Penzance bring it along. I'd like to taste the stuff at least once! :v :wink:

I like how you think Sir!
Sounds like a fine idea to me, too. :metoo:
Staggerwing said:
I think we should all pour a stout glass of Crown Royal or insert your favorite beverage, light up a bowl of your favorite tobacco and stare at the camp fire for a while. If anyone has some extra Esoterica Penzance bring it along. I'd like to taste the stuff at least once! :v :wink:

Esoterica tobaccos seem to be in high demand and short supply. Keep an eye on this site and you just might be lucky enough to score some.
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Out of curiosity, I read a good bit about this particular tobacco blend. I was amazed by how similar it sounded to one that my tobacconist used to blend up for me. The blend was a favorite of mine and consisted of 85% toasted British Cavendish, 10% Latakia and 5% Perique. It was a wonderful smoke but not intended for the noses of the ladies in the room. Absolutely no perfume additives, just great smoking tobacco. Alas, I kicked the habit some 40 odd years ago and that tobacco shop is a long lost memory having gone out of business years ago. The habit is gone, the tobacco is gone, the shop is gone but the memory lingers.
I gave up smoking over 10 years ago. I don't miss smoking but still get cravings on occasion. A few years ago, out of curiosity, I decided I would try my pipe with the tobacco I pick up for my friends. I took 2 draws on the pipe and that was enough for me. I couldn't get the nasty taste out of my mouth for the rest of the day....
I would bet the easiest way to stay on the wagon is only try nasty tasting crap in your pipe. I recall the line from the mountain men at rendezvous and smoking pipes. ' what is this' ask one ' kinninkanic' taste like buffalo (droppings)' ' it is'
When we get around the fire I ll sit down wind, and pass you the flask.
It was very good tobacco, but my taste-buds weren't dulled from smoking and I could taste it all. I don't need any help staying on the wagon - my willpower works just fine.
I might smoke a bowl of tobacco once a month or so. I enjoy it but purposely don't smoke it regularly.
I first learned about Penzance on here a few years ago and occasionally look on line for some. I have pretty much given up. My curiosity makes me want to try it.
I was in Gatlinburg, TN, 20 years ago and visited the Gatlin Burlier I believe is the name. They make a mild blend called Cades Cove Cavendish that is very good and very aromatic. Lately I tried Plum Pudding from Seattle and it is closer to what I think Penzance would be.
To throw my 2 cents in to the debate, I do believe cigarettes are far more addictive and dangerous than smoking a pipe. That being said, I can't argue that smoking a pipe is better than not smoking at all. But moderation is the key. And to me, once every month or so is pretty moderate. So throw another log on that fire, pass the flask and pack some tobacco in that pipe! :wink:
Black Hand said:
I gave up smoking over 10 years ago. I don't miss smoking but still get cravings on occasion. A few years ago, out of curiosity, I decided I would try my pipe with the tobacco I pick up for my friends. I took 2 draws on the pipe and that was enough for me. I couldn't get the nasty taste out of my mouth for the rest of the day....

My experience mirrors yours. I gave up smoking some 40 years ago. I used to smoke both cigars and a pipe and loved both. But, I gave them up for obvious reasons, or at least the reasons seem obvious to me. Anyway quite a few years after I had quit smoking, my cousin gave me a rather expensive cigar and invited me to enjoy it with him. I lit it up, gave it a few puffs and decided right then that I was fully cured of smoking. No amount of toothpaste or mouthwash could rid the taste from my mouth. Even so, whenever I am near a tobacco shop, the smell still beacons to me and I like to go in and smell the fragrant aroma of all of the tobaccos. I am the same way about going into a cigar humidore room. I love the smell as long as it is not on fire. I am thankfully completely cured and will never again stuff dead leaves in my face and set them on fire. :shake: :haha:
:thumbsup: well good for you all. A pipe was the very first thing I ever smoked, and since then tried a few ciggeretts and maybe a box of cigars. Loved the pipe first time I smoked it and every time since.
I exercise and never enjoyed it, spend about twenty to thirty hours a month at the gym and hate it every day I'm there. I watch my diet. In general that stuff said life is too short to do things you don't like.
Billnpatti said:
Even so, whenever I am near a tobacco shop, the smell still beacons to me and I like to go in and smell the fragrant aroma of all of the tobaccos. I am the same way about going into a cigar humidore room. I love the smell as long as it is not on fire. I am thankfully completely cured and will never again stuff dead leaves in my face and set them on fire. :shake: :haha:

Three of the guys I spend time with in the woods smoke a pipe and I find the smoke fragrant and enjoyable. It was an entirely different story when I was the one actually doing the smoking. How could something that fragrant have a taste like I'm sucking on a hot car exhaust...?
I wonder if the tobacco out in the storage box in the garage for the last 30 years would still be smokable. It is in there with my long unused pipes that I can't bring my self to throw away.
It would likely be smoke-able, but would you want to? I image a very harsh, unpleasant smoke...
If dry no problem , except the harsh nasty hot taste. You can rehumidify and freshen it with an atomizer or vaporizer. However as it moisined it could grew all sorts of nasty fungus. Not good, even burned it could put out a lot of nasty chemical you don't need.
I was referring to the old tobacco with my tongue fairly well planted in my cheek. If I want to fire up one of my pipes again, I'll buy some fresh tobacco. Of course when I was a grade schooler, it is amazing what some of my friends and I smoked and how old some of it was. :grin:

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