Pipe and tobacco

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Kansas Jake said:
when I was a grade schooler, it is amazing what some of my friends and I smoked ..... :grin:

Yep, I remember in my youth I didn't have money to buy tobacco even though back in them thar days a kid could go to a store and buy tobacco and nobody said anything about it. I guess the assumption was that they were buying it for their parents. Anyway, I didn't have the money so my cousin and I would take corn silk and roll it in whatever kind of paper we had. If we didn't have corn silks handy, we would cut dead grape vines and we actually smoked the stuff. It almost took the hide off our tongues and it tasted awful but we were smoking just like the "big boys". Another thing that we did that didn't taste much better was to pick the cigarette butts out of our parents ashtrays and unroll them and use the tobacco from them. Old stale cigarette butts.....ya had to want to smoke pretty bad to be able to stand it. Getting dizzy as hell and throwing up was all part of it. Some threw up more often than others but it was something that happened to all of us. I guess boys will be boys and that was as bad as we got and we seemed to turn out okay.
Glad I skipped that stage! :rotf: I went directly to cigars when I was 23. Found out how expensive even back in the '70s good cigars were, and immediately switched to a pipe.
PART of the problem with believing "scientists" is that often in 2016, the RESULTS are determined BEFORE the "study" is awarded. = IF the "researchers" are unwilling to agree with the "desired outcome", the group that awards the money gives the study to someone who WILL agree to the "desired results".

May I remind you of the "COMING ICE AGE" that "every reputable scientist" was SURE to occur in the 1980s & that "would wipe out at least 25% of all life on Earth"??
(Did I sleep though the ICE AGE, like Rip Van Winkle OR was it a "pack of lies", outright guesses & wishful thinking that was "passed off" as scientific fact??)

I could give you at least a hundred instances of "SURE OUTCOMES" that "scientists" got 100% wrong, starting with alar in apples, "thousands of drowning polar bears" & ending in the "established fact" that Elephants would be extinct "Worldwide in the wild" by 2015.
(The last time that I looked, both Africa & Asia had wild elephants & NOT even ONE polar bear had drowned.)

Much of what is "accepted scientific fact" is called "JUNK SCIENCE" & that is about as accurate as phrenology & astrology.

yours, satx
Understood. As we all have to "walk on", it might as well be from something that we enjoy on the way to The Happy Hunting Ground.

Make my "poisons", WHITE LIKKER (made in a copper pot-still), natural RESERVATION TOBACCO, BBQ & GREAT/STRONG coffee from Mexico.


yours, satx
If it were as simple as happy day smoking and dying without sickness, maybe. But I know too many people who died of cancer or who suffered terribly from COPD, and every one of them smoked. Dragging around a cylinder of O2 and struggling for breath is not my idea of a happy ending. A former worker of mine consumed Skoal until they had to remove his lower jaw. I'd seen him do a can of it in a couple of hours. He never smoked tobacco, but he felt tobacco ruined his life. He looked awful the last time I saw him. I don't know how he ate.

I used to smoke, quit back in 79 or so because of a heart condition. Smoking decreases the size of your blood vessels and raises your BP immediately, or so I was told by my Dr. Anyway, about 10 years ago, I took up cigar smoking and a pipe for no good reason. I was spending $200 a month on cigars, maybe more.

I thoroughly enjoyed it. Then my daughter told me my house stank. And it did. My curtains, bed clothes, my hair and anyone's hair or clothes who visited smelled like cigars. So I quit again, this time for my daughter and grandkids. I like the taste of cigars and a pipe. And I wish smoking had no side affects, but I think it does. The smell alone is an undesirable side affect.

I'm not trying to convert anyone; your life, live it like you want.
Based on NA archeological digs, there is PROBABLY little or no undesirable effects from smoking a NATURAL tobacco in a pipe.
(I further believe that it is the UN-natural "burning agents", preservatives & added "ingredients that MAY be a problem.)
I believe that "the science" is based in large measure on what is currently POPULAR in the 21st Century vs. what is REAL science.

That said, it my belief that CIRARETTES are a SEVERE health risk, inasmuch as some of the popular "brands" (by weight) contain less actual natural tobacco than those cigarettes have of other substances.

I note that you prominently mention "smell". = My lady LIKES the aroma of my pipe, as do any number of ladies who have "chased me down" to ask WHICH tobacco that I was smoking, so that they could buy some for their husband/BF. - "Duckie" is NOT quite so fond of that "activity"!!
(Your results may vary.)

yours, satx
It's not the smell when the pipe is burning, it's the smell afterwards. Love to smell a pipe, not a cigar or a cigarette. But they all leave a smell.

My sense of smell is pretty highly developed, I think. I can get within three feet of a person and know if they're a smoker.

The other day, I ate some pre-cut watermelon that I'm pretty sure had been in the presence of a smoker.
I am the same way now, Gene. But back in the 1950's almost all the men I was around were smokers including my dad. Quite a few of the women smoked too, but many were "closet" smokers. People in that era smoked in the house, in the car, out doors, everywhere. If a kid smoked, you probably had to get up close and smell their breath to really know.
My father smoked Camels, got throat cancer. I should have known better, but started anyway. When I was in highschool, we had a smoking area where you could go smoke during break. It was widely accepted back in the late 50s.

Some have a gene that defies cancer, but I'm pretty sure I don't.
Fwiw, I'm an EXTREMIST when it comes to restrictions on the PERSONAL LIBERTY of adults.
(To paraphrase the late/great Justice of the SCOTUS, Thurgood Marshall, the MOST important of American freedoms is "to BE LEFT ALONE", as long as exercising your personal freedom does NOT infringe on the RIGHTS of anyone else.)

For that reason, I'm inalterably opposed to rules/regulations/ordinances/laws that restrict (in any way) your/my personal LIBERTY to do precisely as you/I CHOOSE, provided that you/I don't directly harm anyone else.

ImVho, the biggest single problem of the USA is that the government "sticks their long nose" into everyone's personal affairs W/O just cause AND outright causes the loss of almost 1/3 of our taxpayer's money on fraud, waste, abuse (FWA) and (a great deal of) outright THEFT.

IF we stopped spending money on things that are "nice to have" but NOT necessary to run the government & stopped being "do-gooders" (read: public nannies & busybodies), we would be able to run our government on at least 30% LESS than we are currently spending.
It's NOT the government's money; it OUR money that rightly belongs to individual taxpaying citizens.

Just ONE example that I personally investigated: In 1987, I found that we were still buying over a MILLION dollars of "spare parts" each year, for a piece of equipment that the government had not owned since 1965.
When I filed my report on FWA, I was told by a very senior DoD civilian, "Who cares? The Department can afford it." He paused & then said, "Team players don't point out wasteful spending & it will hurt your career if you don't stop reporting such minor problems. I suggest that you shred your report & never mention it again."
(He was 100% correct; it did injure my career.- I received a BAD Officer's Efficiency report for "Not being cooperative" & "- - - being consumed with needless detail". - I later discovered that both the "spare parts" & the records of the funds expended had "mysteriously disappeared" without a trace.)

yours, satx
Somehow, this discussion of pipes and tobacco got off the track and involved Thurgood Marshall.

Your rights are in no way superior to my rights. In other words, if you want to be left alone, leave me alone, and the ones I love. You have the right to smoke at home, on your property, or in your car; I have the right to not be forced to inhale your secondhand smoke in a public place. Your rights do not include the right to possess pictures of adults having sex with children. Which some see as a victimless crime. Two examples out of many of perceived personal liberties where the government has passed regulations with which I agree.

A little responsibility will gain mutual respect.
For that reason, I'm inalterably opposed to rules/regulations/ordinances/laws that restrict (in any way) your/my personal LIBERTY to do precisely as you/I CHOOSE, provided that you/I don't directly harm anyone else

I agree BUT this depends on what you mean by "harm", does it not? :wink:

So a person does whatever they wish to themselves in their own home. No problem, yet, the long term effects of that activity makes them quite ill, and they are then rushed to the hospital. They cannot pay for their treatment and the hospital cannot refuse to the treatment. Without getting into a side debate over costs, lets simply agree that the treatment costs something, which the ill person cannot afford. Well, it was their freedom and their choice to run the risk of harming themselves, BUT if I am paying higher prices, or the hospital bed that I needed due to a car accident is filled with this person...am I not "harmed" by their actions?

OK so folks don't like to wear helmets when riding motor cycles. Fine but am I not harmed when that motorcycle rider chooses to go bareheaded and a rock thrown up from the car in front of the motor cyclist or the one that drops off the bumper of the construction truck in front of the same motor cyclist strikes said motorcycle rider in the forehead, causing him to lay his vehicle down..., and my wife and kids are injured when they swerve to avoid the accident that was preventable?

"..., opposed to rules/regulations/ordinances/laws that restrict (in any way) your/my personal LIBERTY..." is a great ideal, yet it cannot be applied (imho) unless the person exercising it really is alone in dealing with all consequences. That's simply the way things are, unless we change the attitude and the laws and say, "Well, you chose to do X and now have Y ailment, so it was self inflicted..., Good Luck." I doubt most of the population will go for that.


tenngun said:
When you say public place are you referring to an inside place like a restaurant or out in public like a park?

Those parameters are both narrow and wide, but the answer generally is Yes. But there has to be people involved who object to second-hand smoke. Smoking in private? Go for it.

Most restaurants forbid smoking at all. I think it's a state law. Also, expanding on the "area" way of thinking, can't smoke at a mall, here. Can smoke at an outdoor flea market, I think.
I think the original topic was pretty well covered on the first page. From there it changed, which is how the evolution of threads usually goes. Five pages of discussing pipes and tobacco is bound to go down a few rabbit holes...cigars, cigarettes, etc. The subject is still tobacco, however.