For that reason, I'm inalterably opposed to rules/regulations/ordinances/laws that restrict (in any way) your/my personal LIBERTY to do precisely as you/I CHOOSE, provided that you/I don't directly harm anyone else
I agree BUT this depends on what you mean by "
harm", does it not? :wink:
So a person does whatever they wish to themselves in their own home. No problem, yet, the long term effects of that activity makes them quite ill, and they are then rushed to the hospital. They cannot pay for their treatment
and the hospital cannot refuse to the treatment. Without getting into a side debate over costs, lets simply agree that the treatment costs
something, which the ill person cannot afford. Well, it was their freedom and their choice to run the risk of harming themselves, BUT if I am paying higher prices, or the hospital bed that I needed due to a car accident is filled with this person...
am I not "harmed" by their actions?
OK so folks don't like to wear helmets when riding motor cycles. Fine but
am I not harmed when that motorcycle rider chooses to go bareheaded and a rock thrown up from the car in front of the motor cyclist or the one that drops off the bumper of the construction truck in front of the same motor cyclist strikes said motorcycle rider in the forehead, causing him to lay his vehicle down..., and my wife and kids are injured when they swerve to avoid the accident that was preventable?
..., opposed to rules/regulations/ordinances/laws that restrict (in any way) your/my personal LIBERTY..." is a great ideal, yet it cannot be applied (imho) unless the person exercising it really is alone in dealing with
all consequences. That's simply the way things are, unless we change the attitude and the laws and say, "Well, you chose to do X and now have Y ailment, so it was self inflicted..., Good Luck." I doubt most of the population will go for that.